Blurt Holidays : National Ghost Hunting Day

in ghost •  2 years ago  (edited)

Today is National Ghost Hunting Day …

So we will be heading out with all our Ghost hunting gear to see what we can capture on film and share on Dtube.

Filmed with iPhone.

Listen very carefully …. Do you hear voices in the house ?

National Ghost Hunting Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of every September. This year, the world’s largest ghost hunt will be observed on September 24. This is an annual international investigation of the paranormal. Ghost hunting has something to offer for everyone — some prefer investigating abandoned mansions with creepy histories, while others would rather guard ancient crypts. Ancient ghost stories around the world focus on historical records or literature. Science, religion, and academia are skeptical of their existence. Ghosts are often considered a reflection of our subconscious, and sometimes our deepest fears. Whatever ghosts may be, there’s no denying that all of us have been spooked out by something inexplicable at least once in our lives.


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I will watch this when I finish my drive. Hunting ghosts sounds fun 👍

Posted from

Among my people there are a couple of old sayings about playing with the supernatural, the one I remember the most was: "I don't believe in witches, but witches fly... They fly!", which highlights the contradiction of not believing in something, but claiming to believe a feature of it, which indirectly says that if you believe in its existence.

It reminds me of one of Lovecraft's stories in which a group of investigators walks into a mausoleum and while they're on a copper wire telephone with a frightened friend left outside, the last thing they say to their friend is to run without looking back and never coming back, it is never clear what caused them so much fear or what they found, but it is understood that they never left there and that the friend was terrified by the strange noises that were heard on the phone as noise of background of the last message from your friends.

I think the other one is one that was used in a song with a tropical rhythm: "It is not the same to call the Devil than to see it arrive", it is like what some researchers on extraterrestrials point out, that of casually calling entities that we do not understand and that we don't know if we can survive them, well, it's not a good idea.

I admit I'm a coward about these things, but I tend to avoid things that terrify me. Ghosts, specters, demons, or the like may not exist, but... What if they do exist? Personally, I'd rather not get with them, so that's why I don't actively seek them out.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very good points. Maybe we will not go looking. I’m afraid we might find one.