Mainstream media around the world is finally reporting it: Israel's top politician Benjamin Netanyahu directly funded Hamas - and it's still happening today! $15 to 30 million US Dollars... in cash... every month!
I recently researched the funding source of Hamas. We already know they were originally created by Israel, but who has been helping them increase their power in recent years? I discovered that it was indeed Israel, especially their prime minister, Netanyahu.

Despite providing several mainstream sources clearly showing that to be the case, some commenters from Israel claimed it was a "big evil lie" (without providing any evidence to the contrary).
Today, the mainstream media all around the world has picked up on the story (source, source, and source). Here's a summary of the developments:
- I was right. "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued the cash flow to Hamas, despite concerns raised from within his own government. The deal was made to return calm to Israeli villages of the South. Qatari diplomats arrive in the enclave every month (through Israel) with suitcases containing $15 million in cash."
- The USA has always known about it. "Western intelligence determined that Hamas was taking money from the funds to use themselves."
- The funding never stopped, and is still happening! "Qatari minister of foreign affairs told CNN that his government will continue to make payments to Gaza to support the enclave, as it has been doing for years."
There has been much opposition to Netanyahu's policy of building up Hamas. Naftali Bennett, former Israeli prime minister, says "to allow Hamas to have all these suitcases full of cash, goes directly to reordering themselves against Israelis. Why would we feed them cash to kill us?" Many warned that a terror attack was imminent, given years of direct funding of Hamas. Another said Israel "gave Hamas 1 billion shekels per year ($30 million per month)… and they have used it to enhance, to cement their grip on Gaza. For them (Hamas), it was like a relief. It was like oxygen." Netanyahu insisted that funding Hamas destabilized the Palestinian state, and therefore must continue.
Then, October 7th happened, and Israel's genocide of Gaza went into overdrive.
The slaughter of Gaza couldn't have happened without October 7th, and October 7th couldn't have happened without years of Israel's funding. Israel's unwavering support of Hamas, led by Netanyahu, has played a direct role in the death of over 20,000 innocent civilians, and 2 million more starving to death in the ruins of their former neighborhoods. It should not have been allowed to happen. It should not be allowed to continue.
I begin to think that Israel and the US (in cahoots with many other western countries, but Israel and the US in the lead), are the great evil we need to deal with for humanity to right itself. If a country needs to commit genocide in order to exist, it shouldn't exist.
yes that´s a well known secret that these two together try to arrange a lot of war´s on this planet in the name of money and commodities they like to get to use them for their own use or for trading them to only their benefit.
But don´t get me wrong, I don´t say that all americans or israelis are bad people, they are not most of them are propper and good people with the heart at the right side, and you can claim the same about the palestinians, the Iranians, the syrians, the ukrainians, the germans, the polish and the russians and many more, its just the greedy 1 or 2 percent in these countries what makes these countries look worse than others, the vast majority of mankind is good hearted people, we all schould focus on that and work out possible solutions because the good ones (brainwashed or not) are so much more than the bad ones.
Maybe crypto will help us to find a better way without being controlled by such greedy and poisened people who called them self government leaders ;)
a well-known Polish clairvoyant claims that soon there will be two major terrorist attacks and the world will face WW3, the population of a small country (probably Israel) will be moved to Europe, the majority to Poland
Hmm, I believe that wat is hidden before men is clear before God. Either the funding were true or not the parties involve knowns and it's plain before God.
Yes, I believe that all lies will eventually be uncovered, all mysteries solved.
Ask yourself why isn't Egypt taking Gaza refugees.
EU took 8 million refugees from UA. Turkey accepted millions of the 22 million refugees in Syria. Why are Gaza being used as a terror based against Israel? Why is Egypt not aiding children and open its gates?
Egypt does take refugees from Gaza, so your question makes no sense.
Learn about Kalergi plan.
Gazans do not want to become refugees, they want to remain on their ancestral land.
Egypt took 0 children since October 7. People that can flee the conflict would happily do so, but the world is using them as human sacrifice to fight Israel. You know its true.
If these people leave Gaza they will never return there again. Israel will seize their land. You know it well, everyone knows it
Same for Ukraine, but you don't care about Palestinian children life, you just care for the land conflict.
You sound just like those brainwashed Ukrainians who shouted Slava to Ukraine two years ago. Where are they today? Mostly dead and their country will soon lose the war because the US withdrew from funding it. What will you do when Israel is invaded by a Muslim-Arab coalition? Peace talks are the only way to save lives, including your life. Btw, do you live in Israel?
These Ukraines remind me the people of Gaza. Don't mess of which is stronger than you.
I live in israel. And its time we treat the extreme Islam the same way Poland and Russia do.
What will save Israel is nothing besides Israel itslef.
We have a saying: "If I can't help me - no one can".
Its also has an interesting continueation
"But if Im my only helper, who am I?"
You would have been an awesome journalist buddy! 📰🗞️🏆
blood money
Netanyahu failed, but Hamas caused the massacre. Blaming Israel is like blaming the Americans for 9.11
Hamas are terrorists. Extreme Islam rapers and murderers. You should educate yourslef more on the subject.
You can stomp your feet and cry all you want, but that doesn't change anything.
Your comment is like answering yourslef
This should be an era of spirituality and people are more peace-loving, but it is strange to see that many countries still like war