The Other Face of Russia and The Ringing Cedars

in gardening •  2 years ago 

I remember a few years back hearing of a massive land giveaway in Russia. A few newspapers mentioned it and I was very interested to learn more. I even wrote to Putin to ask if his offer was open to foreigners or only Russians.
I didn't hear back and nothing more was reported about it.

An Anastasian settlement
By Лобачев Владимир - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Today I came across an article on Odysee about a story of The Ringing Cedars. "Whether one accepts it as fact or fiction, it is playing a massive role in transforming the culture of Russia, and in various communities around the world."

"Vladimir Megre, a Siberian entrepreneur, is the author of The Ringing Cedars Series. The story begins with Vladimir on a commercial trade run through some remote communities of Siberia. He starts to build an interest in the economic value of the Siberian cedar, and then pursues reports of a “ringing cedar,” an anomalous tree that stores cosmic energies and, after many hundreds of years, begins to ring. On his journey, Vladimir meets Anastasia, a young woman who has grown up in the Siberian wilderness. She brings Vladimir back to her forest glade and shares her advice with him regarding the raising of children, living a natural lifestyle, and illuminating the spirit of Creation that rests within every person."

Vladimir, lived for a few days in Anastasia’s world full of shocking and mystifying experiences. Humbled by the simple accommodation of a grass-lined dugout and not even a fire, he witnessed the wild animals and the plants in her domain are seemingly tamed. He watches the squirrels bring her food, the cedars shower her in pollen, and witnesses a show of acrobatics with a bear!

"Anastasia stresses the importance of the wisdom she offers, offering the vision of an emerging culture re-united with Nature. Letting the children grow up in orchards and gardens full of our love is the key to reclaiming humanity’s Creator role on earth, and this new Age of Co-Creation will be realized when we empower our dreams with the purity of thought that comes from living a natural life." It sounds like the Garden of Eden to me!!

Dachniks is a term for the cottage-gardeners of Russia and the book outlines the massive impacts of this gardening movement in the larger context of Russia’s agricultural economy:

"“Currently, with 35 million families (70% of Russia's population) working 8 million [hectares] of land and producing more than 40% of Russia’s agricultural output, this is in all likelihood the most extensive microscale food production practice in any industrially developed nation.

“According to official statistics, in 1999 more than 35 million families (105 million people, or 71% of country's population) owned a dacha or a subsidiary plot and were cultivating it… The 35 million plots of these families occupy more than 8 million hectares and provide 92% of Russia's harvest of potatoes, 77% of its vegetables, 87% of berries and fruits."

These small individual farmers produce more input to Russia's GDP then than the whole of electric power generation industry (317 bn rubles), significantly greater than all of forestry, wood-processing and pulp and paper industry (180 bn), significantly greater than the coal (54 bn), natural gas (63 bn) and oil refining (88 bn) industries taken together. The share of food gardening in national agriculture has increased from 32% in 1992 to over 50% by 2000.

"“Essentially, what Russian gardeners do," he concludes, "is demonstrate that gardeners can feed the world – and you do not need any GMOs, industrial farms, or any other technological gimmicks to guarantee everybody's got enough food to eat. Bear in mind that Russia only has 110 days of growing season per year." So think what more temperate zones could do with this method!!

I have always found it embarrassing that Ireland imports potatoes for instance and only produces less than 4% of it's own fruit and vegetables and an even tinier percentage of organic produce.

"Though the dacha movement has its roots in Russia’s traditional peasant culture (and more recently in post-WW2 programs to boost agricultural production) the Ringing Cedars movement has had its own major contributions since the release of the books in 1996. A strong focus on planting trees and using non-timber tree products, permaculture principles like “no-dig” gardens, and fulfilling a spiritual relationship with the land are some of the new characteristics among the dachniks who have been inspired by Anastasia."

Us gardeners have noticed the growing interest in forest-gardening, permaculture and no-dig tho and now I know where it came from. RUSSIA. Not only that a WOMAN.

I now have a small plot of land, not in Siberia and not as large as the plots Putin was offering and I have been trying to start my own little independent farm in a similar vein, sadly minus the wildlife Anastasia enjoys.

Anastasia is also at the heart of a growing Russian eco-village movement. These are subsistence communities made up of multiple family estates. Along with each family’s estate of between one and three hectares, these eco-villages may include community areas with a school, clinic, theatre, and festival grounds. Before the release of the Ringing Cedars books, Russia was without an eco-village movement; but in 2004, a conference of readers had attendants representing more than 150 eco-villages!

"Across Russia, “Garden Plot Acts” legislation is increasingly coming into effect, entitling each Russian citizen to a piece of land free from taxation and inheritable though the family line. I read this message of sovereign title to land for the purpose of spiritual fulfillment as a hopeful tiding of humanity's future here on the planet."

I always wanted to visit Russia even when it was communist. I'd love to go and see these eco-villages now. I'm going to look into it further.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Beautiful! It does not surprise me these are in Russia. While western countries were letting big business plow small business down, Russia was growing sovereignty and self sufficiency.

EXACTLY!!! The next phase is said to be starvation and guess who will be sitting pretty while the rest of the world, overtaken by big ag and corporate business can't feed their own people. It's embarrassing how skewed the world is now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I use the word "embarrassing" a lot now too. We may well find that the countries we are being told are the villains turn out to lead the way to the positive future. I'm not talking about their leaders, although Putin earns credit for encouraging the agrarian aspects in Russia. I'm talking about ancient forces. China was, not long ago and for a very long time, a positive force. We have been blinded to other forces, other sources, all thought is being led toward just the one destructive force, as if we cannot live without that one (let's call it the NWO force for now), but all the others are dispensable.

True I also heard that TPTB made China into a communist state for their own purposes. It's all been manipulated from above. Nothing seems to happen organically. Yes I'm not believeing this good guy-bad guy routine either. The Ukrainian leader was placed there by the yanks and is a CIA asset too.

They destroyed America by exporting almost everything including food. Not only does it allow them to use slave labor more freely, it has aided them in hiding the true costs of inflation.

The real damage for us is by creating these dependencies on other nations, the one world government crowd can manufacture economic crises more quickly by hampering the supply chains as we see them doing now.

Yes coz everything is based on marketing and money. The NAI's were right tho, you cannot eat money when it all comes down to it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've worked with a few Russian people and found them to be very friendly and they know how to look after them selves like gardening and hunting etc. It was fascinating bro hear them talk about it.