My Blooming Tulsi Plant

in gardening •  2 years ago 

In the Indian tradition keeping a Tulsi plant is c
onsidered to be auspicious. It is called a very Holy plant. In English Tulsi is called Basil. In other regions, while Tulsi may not be considered auspicious but for sure it is considered as a one of the most therapeutic plants. This plant is used in making many medicinal products, especially in Ayurveda, and also used in cosmetic products, it has a wide range of use. It's a very aromatic plant also.

I have a very beautiful Tulsi plant growing at my home. In the last few months, it has been coming out very well. I am not going into what are the medicinal benefits of the plant, that can be easily checked on google to get information. But yes, if I have a sore throat or feel any sort of itchiness, I take some Tulsi leaves grind them and chew them up. It gives very good relief. Not only the leaves but the flowers are also filled with equal benefits and are used in many cosmetic products.

Here is my Tulsi plant, what do you all think about it


This is a picture taken at night


This is a picture taken around 2 years back, when it was a baby plant

It is also said that Tulsi plant is a good air purifier and keeps the air at home clean including keeping the mosquitoes away. I guess the strong aroma does the trick.

Having plants at home is very nurturing. I was not always so fond of gardening; in the last 5 years I have developed this fondness and now I am so attached to them. Gardening is a very fulfilling experience. Do share your favorite plants in your home space.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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