It's Garden Cleaning Time

in gardening •  2 years ago 

I do not have a very big or a fancy Garden, but I like what I have and I make sure that my this space is taken very well care of. On a regular basis, the cleansing happens and I make sure that my plants get enough sunlight. As the weather is changing now in the city, the direction of the Sun in my balcony is also shifting, so it was necessary for me to make some changes in the position of my plants and with that also clean up my balcony. A little mess happens while watering on daily basis, but on daily basis I do not have enough time to keep cleansing, so once in a month I do the full cleansing activity along with my helper. There was a lot of staining that had happened on the floor, so the cleaning was required and it was quite a tedious job.

Garden is completely cleaned up today and I love to see the way my Garden is blooming out

My Tomato plant is growing well, though the tomatoes have yet not come out, hopefully in the next few days I should get some

My Tulsi is growing well

I have extensive use of Aloe Vera, so this is one plant that grows in Abundance in my Garden

Mint has finally started growing well now I need to shift them in bigger pots

In this particular balcony space I normally grow some of my veggies which are used on day to day basis

This is another balcony space where I mostly have all ornamental plants. The Desert Rose is the beauty of my Garden

And then another small space, where I have one more Desert Rose

Lately I have been doing this for my plants, all the fruits consumed, the peels of it I collect them in a jar and add water in it and then after keeping it for a week to 10 days the water is put in the plants. It is acting as a very good manure for my plants and my plants are also growing very well with this therapy. This is thanx to my cook who gave this idea and also has been helping me out.

Cleaning is a task but after it is completed there is a sense of satisfaction that we feel. Right?

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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Hi, I longed for a desert rose, I like them a lot, but they are expensive around here, I finally managed to buy them online, they are cheaper, but they have not flowered yet, your desert roses are big, I want to have mine as a bonsai because my windows they don't have a lot of space, I have to keep them in small pots so that they are in the window.
What color are your desert roses?

That's nice, they will flower surely. Mine right now has no flowers but as the season changes there will be full tree of flowers. Mine are Pink and White in color.

I bought a red with white, a fuchsia, a purple with white and a red :)

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