Shackled minds - stop beating up on yourself

in gardening •  2 years ago 


I have a hard time swallowing narratives.

I have seen this year first hand that there is a global cooling this side of the world, as a rule even 8 years ago when I arrived here by car from Spain, a journey worthy of a post itself that I shall save for another time, the difference between then and now is distinctive to say the least.
Having a farm you tend to notice weather patterns as everything depends on it, weather that is.
You can not cut grass and harvest it for winter feed when it is damp, you cannot plant some seeds when there is still a frost at night, both common sense things.

Whilst Greta and the green crowd have con-vinced themselves the earth is going to end in 2050 due to global warming, I can honestly say it is not going to, based merely on observation.
It is miserable outside today, around 14c and cold for this time of the year, that is reality, but little Greta will still try to sell me the notion of global warming.


She is a bankers wetdream.

If you can sell lies/fabrications and people buy into it, why not keep selling them? Modern medicine has worked like that for over 100 years, and still people trust them.

We need to get back to intuition and not stay on the path of listening to alleged "experts"......
I know how to farm, but the people saying how I and others should farm do not farm, so why would I listen to advice regards how to grow crops from them? It makes no sense and is self defeating.
Alleged scientists will endorse pesticides that you can not drink to be sprayed over food we eat, where is the logic?
For the record, I use no pesticides.
I also use no fertilizer except cow manure, oh natural, but them cows you are told are bad for the environment which means if we did not use manure, we would have to buy fertilizer that is man made from ingredients mainly located in Morocco.

"Phosphate Fertilizers from Morocco and Russia Injure U.S. Industry."

Soil needs many ingredients including additives at times, but simply mass dumping Phosphate Fertilizers on it is not a solution.
I can walk 30 feet and go from sandy soil to rich soil, tomatoes for instance like the sandy soil as long as it remains damp - more than they like rich soil.
You may ask me why and the answer will be I have no idea why, but they do, that is based on experience, not what some expert tells me.
They tend to develop rot in rich soil.

I can look at soil and see what will grow in it, I can also add lime or fertilizer in the autumn to change the soil for the next crop - next year, I can, we all can.

I am not overstating this, but if we keep listening to people that do not farm, do not grow food, have no idea about any of it, we are going to end up with no food to eat except bugs.
I note in the UK they are now feeding bugs to school children, a bit of a "get used to it peasants, it is all you will have to eat soon, that and weeds"......

" EAT THE BUGS: UK Schoolchildren Fed Insects to Encourage ‘Sustainability’"...

"Schoolchildren in Wales are being fed bugs as part of a research programme by publicly-funded universities “to educate children on the environmental and nutritional benefits of edible insects across the UK”, according to the left-wing i newspaper.

Children at four Welsh primary schools — roughly equivalent to American elementary schools — will participate in a study aimed at making youngsters “think about alternative proteins as real things for now, rather than just as foods for the future,” according to Christopher Bear, a Cardiff University academic helping to organise the study.

University of the West of England academic Verity Jones, another study organiser, appeared to imply that finding ways to weaponise children as “agents of dietary change” against their parents is one of the objects of the research in comments to the i, too.

“Many children have the power of pester, so in some cases can be great agents of dietary change within the family,” she suggested, adding that children’s reluctance to consume insects could be overcome in part by drilling it into their heads that minuscule amounts of bug matter make their way into regular foodstuffs naturally anyway.

“I have found that, once children know that insects are already, by the very nature of processing, in many of the foods we eat; and are assured that they won’t become ill from eating them, they are very open to trying,” Jones said, adding: “All research, for adults and children, indicates whole insects are off-putting, but ground-up insects within foods are very acceptable.”

Roch Community Primary School headmaster Carl Evans, who leads one of the schools participating in the bug-eating scheme, opined that “[t]here is an important connection between our local community, food production and wider global issues surrounding sustainable development.”

He claimed that “[t]hese issues are important to children” — although evidence that primary school aged children, who can be as young as four, genuinely spend their time thinking about “food production and wider global issues surrounding sustainable development” with significant adult coaching appears to be thin on the ground.

Nevertheless, normalising bug-eating seems to be a particular obsession of institutions in the United Kingdom and the wider West, with the UK Research and Innovation Council (UKRI) — an arm of the British government — suggesting in 2021 that “meat” fashioned from mealworms and crickets may have to replace regular meat as part of the “net zero” agenda.

The European Union, too, has been keen to push insect consumption, moving to approve them as regulated foodstuffs in 2020."


I had to get a monkey in as they are HOT news now, monkey magic and all, roll up and get ya pox shot.

People it seems are oh so easy to fool, to program with bad ideas, self defeating ideas too.
Say it often enough and it becomes the truth.

I shall continue my natural farming methods regardless of what Greta or politicians say, regardless.


I never ruined her childhood, her parents did.

I must admit I find it amusing to natural farm and be ostracized by small children and people that do not farm, amusing to say the least.

I shall carry on regardless, or some people will have nothing to eat, including me.
The moral of the story is use your own common sense, use your eyes, touch the soil, get a feel for it, and most importantly of all, stop listening to people who do not do it, they have their interests at heart, not yours.

Interesting times, I can not wait for the last chapter, keep planting seeds people.

Have a superb day, and get your grow on.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well, im quite a townie girl . . .grew up in a capital city, and then moved to London, but regardless can use my discernment.. .
I do think, that they just want us to be scared of one more thing. . .and somehow it always relates to death. . .
Basicly the point is, be so afraid of dieing, that you are killing yourself on the way (at least how i see).
Greta. . .
she is a good puppet, as people like that she is young, she is a girl, and this has become a thing, that women needs to be in power. . .
(Which in many ways i believe in. . .the feminine is the one who starts many things, but feminine needs the masculine, so we must not take away their power, cause then it will be worst then before. . . Can you imagine all those whiney boys, while women showing off how amazing and independent they are without a man? LoL)
Off topic, sorry.
But yeah, as ive said before the climate meant to change. . .things change. Accept and move on.
Greta, as i believe is on the spectrum, so for her to move on, is a lot harder. . .and since she can not, based on her super focus, people will be hooked on it as they think that is the ultimate truth. Cause if thats all she see, it must be, right?🙄

The bug thing. . .? Erm. . .i havent eaten meat in about 20years, and even before i would have thrown up if you make me eat a fucking insect. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've eaten kilo's of insect over the years (in this part of the world).

..They're ok* - but the legs are a bastard for getting in between your teeth.

*Was always drunk after a night out and on the way home, kinda thing - like you're local kebab shop ! (but insects are nowhere near as yummy!).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nah, there is no fuckin' way i could do that. . .gimme avocados instead, or melons. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wait until your avocados are 100 euro's each and crickets are only 5 euro's a kilo !...(anal Schwab and the WEF psycho's approve of this pricing system - coming to collapsing economy, near you ).

....Except it's not gonna happen because their dastardly plans will fail - abysmally.

jump hubris.gif

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wonder if that guy procreated!?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank gawd for the gene pool and natural selection.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wait until your avocados are 100 euro's each

Thats ok, im gonna manifest myself an avocado farm, and not just make a fortune by selling them, but also have an endless supply for my high appetite of them.
Though i have a feeling London may not support this dream 😅

Im not afraid of their plans affecting me. . .

  1. Cause im protected of these shit
  2. Its not going to happen, as u said
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You two not got a room yet? She thinks my ice-cream is cock, see my last post lool.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LoL, i cant believe you 😅. . .thinking that noone can see this 😅 😂🤣
Are we still on this topic?
No room. . . Theres nothing. . .
Innocent flirtation. . .and maybe a little platonic crush from my side, but it happens to me with all men who fits into my type (the middle aged, highly intelligent, knows their shit, very good humor, woke AF, while being a bit of a naughty boy kind). . .(i like being entertained on high quality level 😅. That is my thing. . .)
The fact that this particular one is on the other side of the planet, and is not available, makes it a safe game, as i am protected from very regretable choices 😅 , which would be a risk without those two factors. So let the girl have her fun, and it will burn out soon. . .
Now that it has been said loud and clear, and everybody knows, can we grow up and move on?

And stop putting pictures of ice cream cocks on posts about children 😅😂🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The ice-cream is just that, you got triggered by it, not it by you, it is inanimate and tomorrow it will be brown, and my natural bodily functions shall and will expel it.

"which would be a risk without those two factors. So let the girl have her fun, and it will burn out soon. . .
Now that it has been said loud and clear, and everybody knows, can we grow up and move on?"

Nope, I like my inner child, it was more fun than being an adult, as I dislike shittey monopoly money backed by nothing, feck me I can print that and have armies.

Now you two get a room, I will even pay :-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nope, I like my inner child, it was more fun than being an adult

Ok, agreed. I just had to rant 😅😂🤣

Can you pay the most expensive villa somewhere fancy? Im thinking of Turks and Caikos. . .(i need some sun, england is too cold atm)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Only if I can spank you, shhh you are bringing out my inner instinct out lol, now about my 8 inches ice cream again?

I will treat you to my limousine too

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Pffft. I might just mute you both 🙈

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Now you two get a room, I will even pay :-)

See if you can negotiate a long haul flight as well !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nope, I like my inner child, it was more fun than being an adult,

Well said, sir !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hence why I bought the farm, I can ride like I am still a child, when I fall off (twice so far) I bounce and grass does not hurt 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I found my 'on road spills' to have a lot more pain involved than any off road ones, that's for sure...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Innocent flirtation ?..what's that then ?

Now that it has been said loud and clear, and everybody knows....

They do ?..bloody hell, I wish I'd known about it...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LooooL 🙈😅😂🤣
I dont know, i blame mercury retrograde 😅😂🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

woke AF

Excuse me!..Do not tarnish me with such blasphemy.
Awake yes.
Woke?..fuck no!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LoooL, i was looking forward to the comments on my blow up 😅😂🤣🙈

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


What i meant. . . Me no speak english. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Living in fear of death is no life at all, only thing certain in life is death.

I am ok with the bugs thing though. Factory farming is awful I am sure so is bug farming but in other countries it’s actually rly normal to eat bugs. It’s only us that rly finds it that weird. I personally couldn’t do it though, I ate a cricket chocolate bar once haha I didn’t realise and got it from the health food shop thinking it was just a protein bar and then bit into it and was like damn this is dry. When I looked I saw it had crickets in it lol it did make me gag but if children get into it young they probably will be fine with it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Was it raw, at least ? 😅😂🤣😅😂🤣
Dehydrated crickets with organic cacao. . .LoL

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hilarious - "no pesticides are used in the harvesting of"...erm... pests.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Erm no thanks.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I lived in Thailand on and off for 10 years, and yes, eating bugs there is a delicacy, but not for me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, they turn their noses up at low-so street cockroaches.

  ·  2 years ago  ·

ant soup is also revolting - enjoy the formic acid - smells like armpit juice.

Entomophagy, the consumption of insects as food, is also a safe and healthy way to help reduce pest insects without using insecticides.

Total bollox - most insects here are harvested - like this...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But eat larvae and baby frogs yuck, I will never forget the smell of them bug carts in Pattaya, I could smell the damn things coming from a mile away.