So my garden isn’t a garden lol but I do my best with my balcony. I got a bit sick of tryIng veg and it looking so messy too so I just went with herbs and a few other things this year.
Lilith loves playing around out there but sometimes she goes missing into other people’s flats 🤷♀️
I love just sitting outside when it’s sunny and having breakfast with a book.
I am juSt about ready to be making some smudge sticks up and beginning to be able to harvest a few of my herbs especially the sage which has already done super well this year.
And here is a little look around at some of the herbs and fruits I have nestled around
This is a throw back to two years ago during the end of summer when all my flowers came out. I don’t have as many this year but should get something nice!
Wow! You make great use of your space. I'm teetering with the idea of WW3 happening and I build a farm out in the tribe, but make it like a fun food forest kind of thing and have different grow houses...bring in all sorts of exotic fruit and who know what else....I'm sure @drutter can advise! haha
You could grow mushroom clouds.
What are they?!
They look just like this...
The comments 😅
Yeah, turning British-humour by the day ;-)
Omg can we join? You should watch freelea banana girl on instagram she’s already kinda done than
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub
Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus
Nice use of space, impressive, superb.
I can not vote, I cancelled power down, it drained my upvote power.
lol. that's a bug, not a feature.
Those icons don't render.
I see
dead peoplelittle squares.Therefore am unable to respond appropriately.
Just to clarify, this is an old mathematical bug when one un/delegates - nobody else seems to care (or even notice) so has never been fixed.
Nice work. I've never been very good with potted plants exxxcept my recent phenominal success with Aloe Vera. Have given so many babies away and they're still making babies.
Wow this is amazing... That's an awesome use of your balcony and it must be nice to grow some herbs to throw in your yummy green smoothies and salads. You should try growing Tulsi, I grow the Kapoor variety which grows well in posts. Great for the nervous system and I love it in tea. So good. Thanks for sharing! Loved it..