£ and Euro Shenanigans

in gardendiary •  2 years ago  (edited)

The collapse of the pound is having interesting consequences here.

I'm lucky to live not far from the border between Northern Ireland and Republic (Eire) and yesterday did a trip over the border to take a course on cider/wine brewing. This is a yearly treat of a course with a friend who pays.

It also means I can stock up on gardening supplies as the course is at The Organic Centre so I got a bunch of seeds and some tray compost (essential for getting my crops started next spring.)


The other boon happened on the way back, thought I'd check the drive thru fuel stop which is right on the border to see if I could get some coal and take advantage of the pound disaster.


Here in Eire a bag of decent coal is about 45 euro now. last year it was 14!! So I nearly cried when I asked how much their coal was. No prices on anything as apparently it changes by the hour!! He offered me two BIG bags for 22 euro. That was £19. That is the equivalent of 11 euro compared to here 45 for the same stuff.


How can they charge so much more for the same thing within less than 10 miles. Someone is taking the complete piss here.

At least we know where to go to get around this energy crisis/scam now.
I also got myself a chainsaw so I can clear some trees AND get a decent supply of logs going. Did you know they're also trying to outlaw the selling of turf round here? Turf is a kind of 'mud' (peat based) used for burning here. You can go dig it up yourself if you have a bit of bog.


As for power cuts. Meh am used to them here. Everytime the wind blows askew my power goes out. Can live without it for heating and cooking. Have always had a stash of candles too.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it will soon be illegal to breathe without metered nasal probes.
they will be fitted with CO2 monitors to help you stay within your carbon-output quota.
ironic as you sit there warmed by coal.

Even when we're dead we give off carbon dioxide so good luck trying to be carbon neutral lol. What a scam.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

how many billions of retards BELIEVE it tho!?

I've seen a machine for sale that extracts CO2 from the atm and then pumps it... into a greenhouse to help plants grow faster!! erm...

oohh... then the children can be charged with a corpse-emission-tax! kerching!

It's a well known fact that those huge greenhouses growing food are pumped full of CO2 to make the plants grow faster and bigger. That's why they call it a 'greenhouse gas' LOL.
If people would just THINK for themselves they'd know that nature always seeks balance so the oxygen/co2 ratio rights itself easily. High co2 = more vigorous plant growth = more conversion co2 - oxygen. It's a very simple equation.
The greens had it right in the first place. Stop chopping down trees (en masse) and plant more trees ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow that's a massive difference in pricing of coal and glad you know we're to get it much cheaper now👍

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Yeh but shame I don't have a better car or I would have bought more. Bloody suspension nearly gave out on way home!!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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