Last April day in photos

in gardendiary •  last year 


Hi, my dear Blurtians!

Today, on the last day of April, I decided to run through my yard and garden and take some pictures for memory. It can be quite interesting to see later what happened in such and such a month and such a year. I will also add that due to weather changes in recent years, the results of such a comparison are simply amazing!

But now everything seems to be going according to plan. Trees are actively blooming, my perennial flowers have cursed from under the ground, and by the number I see that they have survived the winter well and I have hope for a beautiful blooming garden.

My birds enjoy long walks in the fresh air. The poor people were so tired this winter and then rainy early spring, when they had to sit indoors all day long! But now they enjoy the opportunity to bask in the sun, eat a couple of blades of grass and dig themselves a delicious worm.

There's only one spring month left and I'm bored to hurry with garden work. If the summer heat starts, I won't be able to spend much time in the garden. So tomorrow I'm waiting for a new start!














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