Eating nutrients from the dirt in my back yard

in garden •  last year 

We've had cool temperatures and heavy rain for a couple days, which was needed because it has been a dry Spring! Now the forecast says mild weather is returning. I look forward to finishing the weeding I've been plugging away at, so I can get on to other projects. Everything is coming up very nicely now, and while I am a bit late, I am hoping for cooperation from the weather so I can turn out some nice harvests!

Here are some progress photos taken over the last week:






And all the progress photos taken in the past 2 months, put together into a GIF animation:

garden progress june 14 2023.gif

We're harvesting a bowl of delicious tender lettuce every couple days. There are 4 patches of potatoes, all looking really green and healthy up top. The tomatoes are coming along slowly, but I think they'll start taking off in the coming week or two. The peas are doing well, and will continue to thrive as long as the weather doesn't turn hot - I'm hoping to get a decent return from them before that happens. The beans are starting to do better, although they didn't like the recent torrential pounding. Carrots, sunflowers, garlic, and swiss chard are doing well.

I attended the local farmer's market here today. A vendor told me he's about to harvest his first ripe cherry tomato. That's pretty good... mid June in Northern Canada. He's got a greenhouse with a heater, though, so that's kind of cheating! All I've got is my back lawn and a shovel. But I'm determined to get a tomato harvest here this year. Next year's going to be better, no doubt, but I want this year to be a good one as well.

Have a great week! Comments, questions, and stories about your own garden experiences are welcome.



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  ·  last year  ·  

If only meat could be grown this way! 😜

  ·  last year  ·  

Trees are the best friends of humans. We get oxygen from any tree. Trees are such plants. He gives us regular oxygen whatever the plant. Thank you for not only planting gardens, but also saving our environment

  ·  last year  ·  

The way you are planning the garden is very nice you must be successful because your field looks very useful and there is no problem in your field and the field environment is also good.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yay! they're growing great. I love those fresh veggies from your own garden, you can be sure that there's no preservatives being sprayed at them.

Posted from

Wow am happy you have began to eat the fruit of your labor.

  ·  last year  ·  

It is been raining in our place too. But it is a good sign because it marks a planting season especially for rice, our staple food. Anyway, you have come so far with your garden. It is very healthy. I am looking forward that you will be selling and gaining from your own produce.❤️🙏

  ·  last year  ·  

It's good to see your progress and I'm sure the results will be worthwhile. I'm hoping you get enough to preserve some too! New garden beds have fresh soil, and can be a really good producers.

Be blessed!


You are a master of your craft buddy!!!


  ·  last year  ·  

Edible results already 👍

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

As the temperature of the whole world is increasing. So we should all plant more trees. And to garden. So that the temperature of the earth can be reduced a little.

  ·  last year  ·  

The open space you are cultivating. Your cultivation looks really beautiful. I think many people will be encouraged to garden after seeing it. ((Thank you)) You will share more and more about farming with us..

  ·  last year  ·  

Your gardening idea is wonderful. If a person retires from work and cultivates a garden, his body and mind will surely be good. Our uncle Rahim was a primary school teacher here. Now he protects the environment by taking care of the garden.

  ·  last year  ·  

To live healthy and strong, you must eat nutritious food. An adult needs 213 grams of vegetables daily. But we consume only 53 grams of vegetables on average. Due to this crores of people of this country are suffering from physical and mental diseases. Most of them are children and women. About 70 percent of our total population, especially women suffer from iron deficiency anemia. 30,000 children become blind every year due to lack of vitamin A alone. There is no alternative to eating vegetables to solve these problems. Because vegetables provide all kinds of nutrients apart from immunity. But that vegetable must be free of poison. Since all homesteads have more or less open space in the yard. Therefore, by cultivating vegetables in those places, besides meeting the nutritional needs of the family, additional income can also be provided.


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