Do-it-Your-Them-They-Self pea trellis

in garden •  4 months ago 

I bet early pea trellises were little more than two sticks and a bit of twine. We've come such a long way! Here's my do-it-yourself pea trellis, using scrap materials found around the homestead. And a garden update.


The snow peas get to about 6 feet tall, and they're already at about 1. But I didn't have any suitable lumber, and no ability to get to a hardware store. So I found a couple deadfalls in my treed area, and turned them into posts for a trellis.


After pounding them into the ground on either side of the peas, I used some old hemp twine I had lying around, weaving a trellis about 2 feet tall. I can add to it later as the peas grow up.

I enjoyed some tender pea shoots in my fresh salad a few nights ago:


The latest apple updates! My little tree is off to a good start.


It's about twice the height it started at in April!


Closeup of an orache (mountain spinach) seedling next to a larger potato plant. The orache will ultimately be several feet tall.


Another closeup. These big black beetles are pretty neutral in the garden. They don't do any damage that I'm aware of, and they don't bother humans, so they're okay in my books.





Now you're completely caught up with the yard, here are a couple shots from my washing machine seed starting area...


The 7 Reclining Buddhas are doing well. They've enjoyed the recent transplant into bigger pots. They were started from seed 6 weeks ago, and have been given nothing except tap water and plain soil.


The plan is to put them outside in about a week, depending on what the weather is doing. We're getting to the part of year where it's light until almost midnight (and the sun comes up at 4am), perfect for the life cycle of these medicinal plants! They will begin to flower sometime in July as the days begin to shorten, get nice and juicy during August, then mature in September. I'm working on a spot for them tucked into the edge of the forest, behind the firepit.

Thank you for visiting my garden! Have a pea before you leave.

And grow in peace.


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Awesome! You bushcrafter you!

small smiley face.png

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

I am a man of many talents, and one of them is sharpening two sticks and wrapping some string around them! : D

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

I did it themself. It worked!