Garden update with time-lapse of the year so far

in garden •  8 days ago 

My scarlet runner bean plants are growing faster than the bugs can eat! Aside from that, I don't really feel like writing much tonight, but if I don't write anything, bad stuff happens... so here it is : )


The last few yard update photos:





And a time-lapse that took me a few hours to edit up... but nobody ever seems to notice them so it's probably not a good use of my time.


That's 2024 so far!

How am I doing? Any observations, questions, complaints, etc?

My previous garden update can be found here.

Thanks as always for visiting, and please come back soon.

Grow in peace.


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As always thank you for yo garden update. Things seem ok and let's hope the bugs don't get better of your beans, maybe you should try to change their location to see if it makes a difference.
Sorry for the hours spent editing the time lapse, I know that feeling . You spend lots of time on something then get a paltry of views/attention.
Anyway, wishing you a wonderful new week ahead, as we end June and look forward to July. Cheers :}

  ·  7 days ago  ·  

Well thank you for letting me know you can see the time lapse, at least I know it's working! To me, seeing months of a garden's growth in a single clip is pretty cool, but I guess I'm a bit weird! Heheh. Thanks for your comment and have an excellent day.

  ·  8 days ago  ·   (edited)

time lapse is so good
if you can continue with it - it speaks for itself

also that tree near the yard is nice part of the yard time-lapse

beans with enough water and sun are fast growers