June in the garden means planting beans

in garden •  4 months ago 

It's lush here in Northern Canada as we approach the Summer Solstice, and I'm sowing beans in my garden at midnight! Here are some scarlet runners in containers this afternoon:


They're doing pretty good! Here are the past few update shots I took, over the last week or so:




That last photo was about a week ago.

Here are 3 rows (about half what I've got at the moment) of my wax (bush) beans:


I've seen sexier plants, but they'll improve now that it's getting warm. Beans don't really enjoy early Spring very much, and many people don't even plant theirs until July.

I appreciate beans because they provide a LOT of proteins. They also help replenish Nitrogen in the soil, basically fertilizing as you grow them.

Now, on to some other veggies...


The lettuce is great this year. We've had several big salads already, and looks like there are several more coming soon. It will continue as long as the weather stays cool.


I'm being optimistic with those upper rungs of my new trellis! I'm not sure those green shelling pea plants are up to the challenge.


There's a quick shot of the secret garden behind the fire pit. All appears to be well.


The apple tree is doing well, as far as I can tell. I've never grown apples before. I put this one in the ground back in the Autumn, when it was just a barren little stick.

Now for the last few yard update photos:





Thank you for visiting my garden here in Northern Canada, where I am growing food by the light of the midnight sun! Happy Solstice tomorrow, everyone.


Grow in peace.


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  ·  4 months ago  ·  

It's all looking really good! I didn't know you could eat scarlet runners. assumining you wouldn't plant them unless you could. They're so pretty too. Next year!

Every year, I insist on planting peppers, eggplant and okra, and every year they do not do well. I hardly ever buy any of those things, so I'm not sure why I continue to devote large parts of my garden to them. This year, I'm trying to acidify the soil (by the seat of my pants). Maybe that will help. I await the emergence of the dreaded Japanese Beetle now. I have seen very few grubs this year, and I do not have rhubarb or sweet potatoes, which they seemed to LOVE last year. Otherwise, my 6 foot row of snow peas is producing more than I can eat, my beets are doing spectacularly well, I got a little lettuce for the first time ever, I put in a nice sized bed of asparagus, and my raspberries are starting to ripen.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Thanks!! Yeah, scarlett runners are also called butter beans. The pods can also be eaten when they're young and tender (as with most green peas). But this is my first time growing them, been hanging on to the seeds for a few years. About half came up. I intend to save the seeds (assuming I like how the plant grows and tastes!)

I know what you mean about re-trying things over and over, even if it doesn't seem like a good idea. I like to figure things out and conquer them! But I've found it's a maladaptive strategy in a lot of situations. It's not always bad, of course, but overall I'm starting to learn to be careful about using it. I guess the mantra "if you're not winning the game, change strategy" comes to mind. Although "if you don't succeed at first, try and try again" also rings true! Heheh. Sounds to me like you should give the eggplants a rest next year, and give something else a chance in that space. Sounds like you are having success in some areas and less in others. Gardening is like that... I enjoy seeing what's doing well and adapting my strategy. Right now I'm scaling back on tomatoes, and hedging my bets with peas and lettuce, because it doesn't appear to be a hot Summer in my area (like it was last Summer).

Keep up the great work!

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Best of luck to the garden! All I've got are some onions and peppers in small pots. Not much space in an apartment.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

That's not bad! If you can grow anything, all the way to putting food in your mouth, that's a major success. Even if it's just one bite! That's one less bite from the supermarket and megacorps. One more bite that you know what went into it. If you enjoy fresh herbs at all, windowsills and even countertops can work. I think peppers would be alright, as long as you don't overwater, and give them plenty of light.

What an awesome happy place! 😍

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Thank you bro! It has taken 15 months or so, but I think I've made it into somewhere enjoyable to be, with a nice energy. My kids love running on the lawn and looking at the plants as they grow. Would love to show you around some day : )

Maybe one day, I will make it to Canada to visit you! 🍁🤗🇨🇦