Average GU Weekend Result + Latest GU Update

in gaming •  3 years ago 

The weekend event challenge was a wrap and i was able to have a total average win but i really wish I can do more and have more win or even have a taste of the legendary cards but currently I am between 12-16wins and also really finding it hard to reach the mythic level, too much strong opponent in ethereal diamond.

Been a while I made a post based on my godunchained gameplay and how are we all coping with this latest update from the team after the end of the blessing of the Gods event. I will really saw it was a blessing indeed after earning all those juicy Gods token which give me the privilege to be able to buy some cards and create so wonderful zombie deck and a nature deck which have boost my rating and wins so far. A good tip to beginners, get yourself a good deck to play with, it is really helpful on a long run and you wont get tired easily because your opponent wont defeat you easily.

After the end of the blessing of the Gods event, we thought that was the end and we have to wait till when they finally implement the daily earn mode from each battle but while we wait, we can now start earning extra Gods token from your first 25 weekend battle wins based on some wins calculation, you can read more about it on @kephler post. This update will will really bring a good activities to the game especially in the weekend event because we will have more strong players to compete with. Actually experience it during this last weekend event, everyone love it juicy. While we wait for the week reward and be able to figure out how many Gods token we will receive. It time for me to engage in some battles, mythic level is the goal now.


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