A Couple Clips Of Fallout New Vegas

in gaming •  4 years ago 

I've been playing this game quite allot lately. I made a few clips awhile ago I have not shared yet. Now that I'm getting farther in the game I want to make a few more clips too. I beat all of Fallout 3 so really having fun with this one!

The first clip is when you get attacked by old women in Freeside. A bizarre encounter, glad I captured it!

(Unsupported https://www.youtube.com/embed/sid5UO81lnI)

The next is a clip where you launch some ghouls into space! There is also a weird glitched enemy sprite moving around. I have seen a few sprite glitches in the game so far, this is the only one I captured

(Unsupported https://www.youtube.com/embed/uIB_WQKJnRs)

I've had fun gaming on the old t.v. too! People make comments sometimes, telling me to get a flat screen haha! I say no! I'm hoping some more weird stuff happens in Fallout New Vegas. Those are the kinda clips I like to capture

Music in the clips by Synthesis Underground










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