Update on Episode 1; delayed publishing...

in gaming •  4 years ago 

Okay folks, hands up time... I had an acceptable video recorded gameplay wise (even if I lost both runs out of a max of 3 depending on how things go) to use as Episode 1, but unfortunately for me, my voice sounded too muffled to use, and I amn't happy, so I now have to record a new Episode 1, not helped by the fact that I had other abandoned recording sessions too, because things weren't really working out! So my new plan is have Tuesday's video out at the same time on Wednesday (today), with the second and third videos still being on Thursday & Saturday, with the 4th video being on Tuesday.

All my videos will work to a max of 3 runs in one recording session; if I lose the first or second ones too early then the third one will be my last, whether I win or lose, though if I win my first or second run of the three, the session will end there. I'm not yet good enough to win even somewhat consistently, so with this system at least, I'm going to be at least able to get 30+ mins of content without having to restart every time I die! Additionally, I'm making damn sure the audio is working BEFORE I record new episodes, to make sure I don't have a repeat of this situation.

Lastly, no resets, even if I have to scrap a video, because I get an achievement/item if I die enough times, although hopefully with the "Up To 3" system I've instituted, there will be fewer scrapped videos now, and as I get more used to the game again, I'll start winning a bit more often too!

In any case, I did record an intro video at least, which was shared on here, so watch that via the post below, or check out the latest video on my YouTube channel "StormkeeperPU" to see at least some of what I accomplished before I started attempting to record videos.

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