IsaacStorm Episode 1 status update

in gaming •  4 years ago 

Okay folks, I'll be attempting to do a proper take of Episode 1 of IsaacStorm… again, I'm going to be doing up to three runs in a single video for the time being, but as soon as I win a run, or I fail my 2nd or third run (depending on how long they took), that's the end of the video! In the future I do expect to last long enough for an entire run to take up an entire video, but right now I'm not going to think that far ahead! Additionally, given I get achievements for dying, it's worth it continuing with my current save, and upload (sets of) runs that are "noteworthy" in some way, though when I start getting streaks, we'll start seeing recordings closer together! I'm under no illusions that currently, I'm not the best of Isaac players, but I am at least reasonably competent, so I hope that the videos will at least be entertaining in some way!

However, I'm having to get used to doing Let's Plays again, as well as also learning how to up my game with presentations, and although I currently am uploading "raw" sessions, eventually, I will probably want to try and start editing videos, though not necessarily the Isaac ones; it would be more applicable to later LP series, mainly ones involving inventory management and some more tedious tasks that I could edit out. In any case, the scheduling will remain the same for the videos being at 22:00 hours UK time, although given a couple of factors, I may again have to publish Episode 1 around 23:00 hours, due to an expected (but unknown exactly when it'll happen) interruption happening soon. This means that Episode 2 will be going live tomorrow as per the schedule. I do hope that once I get into the swing of things, things will be a bit more consistent, but for the time being, assume that 22:00 hours means between 22:00 and 23:00, in case any issues occur at my end, which is somewhat likely at present!

Additionally, expect some issues and errors here and there, as I'm literally starting from scratch with things; I did catch the issues with the first video, which unfortunately was unable to be used as Episode 1, but there may be more subtle issues that I may not have caught first time, so again, be sure to let me know if you notice something, or have any suggestions. I'm experimenting with using a filter through my Aux/Mic channel atm, and have also put a limiter on the Desktop Audio channel, as well as reducing the volume from 150% in both to 100%, as I want to try and manage volumes from within OBS and also my mixer, as that makes things a bit easier to control. I do have the ability to add some gain to the mic filter if needs be, so this series is going to literally be a series of learning curves for me; the first being getting used to doing LP videos again, the second being playing Isaac again, and getting to a decent standard (so I can start attempting Challenges and Daily Runs), the third being better getting to grips with OBS, and lastly getting used to doing video editing!

There may be other things I'm missing, but that summarises the 4 main points I think. Also, I have gotten my thumb grips for my gamepad, so hopefully, things will be a little more controlled now that I've attached the, to the gamepad, as prior to then, I did feel like I wasn't as in control of things as I would have liked, so hopefully this will mean that I suck a little less! Also, for those of you not wanting to watch my videos on YouTube, I do also have a Odysee (LBRY) channel where you'll be able to watch the videos too; I do need to see what's going on with BitChute, but you can follow me on there too if you want. LBRY should update as soon as a video is published on YT.

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So just to do a TL; DR recap on the whole post so far:

  1. Episode 1 of IsaacStorm will be going live today ASAP, but closer to 23:00 hours tonight (UK time), rather than its planned slot; all other Tuesday videos should be released on that day.
  2. The way I'll be doing videos from now on will be up to 3 runs per video, and I'll end the video after I win a run, or if the video is essentially long enough after 2-3 runs (where I lose).
  3. Thursday's video will be recorded ASAP and should release on its planned time slot, as will Saturday's.
  4. I'm still getting to grips with playing Isaac and OBS stuff, so things may not be perfect; please let me know if there are any issues so I can fix them for the earliest possible batch.
  5. I now have sorted out my joypad issue, so that's at least one fewer issue to worry about.
  6. I also have Odysee (LBRY) and BitChute channels, if anyone wants to follow me on those platforms, although currently, there are only videos on LBRY (including Episode 0, but no playlists yet), but none on Bitchute, which I need to fix! Videos will appear on LBRY around the same time the video is published on YT.

In any case, I'm going to do my best with this series, though there may be some hiccups on the way; I will eventually get there though, it's just a matter of time and sticking with it long enough to allow me to get used to doing it all again. After I publish this post on social media (it'll take a little longer to reach Facebook, Minds, VK, Hive, Steem, and Blurt) I'll be starting the recording of Episode 1, and also attempting Episode 2 before the upload time; I imagine that the scheduling may be a little tight the first couple of weeks as I work out how to fit it into my day properly, but regardless of if it's on time, or late, I will eventually put it up and will keep you all updated on what's going on!

But yeah, that's it for now. I do expect changes with this series to happen over time as I notice things I need to fix, as well as the stuff you point out to me too; I already have noticed that Episode 0's volume is a bit loud, but I will hopefully make sure that gets normalised in the future, maybe even on Episode 1. Either way, I'm gonna stop it here for now otherwise I'll never get the video out! Catch you all later on.

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