"Chloe" The new and better support of Champions Legion [ENG][ES]

in gaming •  4 years ago  (edited)


Ha aterrizado un nuevo héroe en Champions Legion, y le hace mucha justicia a los héroes tipo soporte, siendo a mi perspectiva el mejor soporte de todo el juego. Mis primeras expectativas fueron negativas, inclusive cuando la vi durante la batalla cuando estaba jugando contra ella.

Sin embargo, debo admitir que mis cuarzos valieron la pena, recordemos que los soportes ayudan a los tiradores en la linea baja del juego, normalmente tienen gran cantidad de vida y resistencia, así como el poder de ralentizar o paralizar por segundos a los enemigos, de modo que sirva para que los tiradores tengan libre ataque.

Pues Chloe cumple con este papel fundamental. Muchas veces ha pasado que un heroe al momento de actualizar un parche, lo cambian de tipo, sin embargo, esta vez atinaron con Chloe, dudo que la cambien, sencillamente es un soporte perfecto tanto para tiradores como para magos, asesinos y tanques.

Entre sus habilidades el mas resaltante es ralentizar el enemigo, y cabe destacar que los tres ataques especiales de Chloe ralentizan al enemigo. El primer ataque son unas burbujas que impactan con el enemigo, restandole vida y ralentizandolo por varios segundos. Como segundo ataque especial, Chloe crea una burbuja resistente que al impactar con el enemigo lo ralentiza y la burbuja permanece por varios segundos intacto, por lo que su efecto una vez que el enemigo lo toca se activan.

Su ultima habilidad es una total maravilla, crea una enorme burbuja mágica que repele cualquier tipo de ataque, si el enemigo esta dentro de la burbuja se ralentiza sus movimientos y su ataque es totalmente nulo hasta que la burbuja desaparezca.

Como ven, he creado un nueva cuenta en Facebook para dedicarme solo a los magos y soportes. Así que cuento con la cuenta "roadstories" y "night-road4" por si se animan a jugar.

A new hero has landed in Champions Legion, and it does a lot of justice to support type heroes, being to my perspective the best support in the whole game. My first expectations were negative, even when I saw her during the battle when I was playing against her.

However, I have to admit that my quartzes were worth it, let's remember that supports help shooters in the low line of the game, they usually have a lot of life and resistance, as well as the power to slow down or paralyze enemies for seconds, so that it serves for shooters to have free attack.

Chloe fulfills this fundamental role. Many times it has happened that a hero at the moment of updating a patch, they change the type, however, this time they got it right with Chloe, I doubt they will change it, she is simply a perfect support for shooters as well as for magicians, assassins and tanks.

Among her skills, the most outstanding is slowing down the enemy, and it is worth noting that Chloe's three special attacks slow down the enemy. The first attack is bubbles that impact the enemy, taking life away from them and slowing them down for several seconds. As a second special attack, Chloe creates a resilient bubble that on impact with the enemy slows them down and the bubble remains intact for several seconds, so its effect once the enemy touches it is activated.

Her last skill is a total wonder, she creates a huge magic bubble that repels any kind of attack, if the enemy is inside the bubble his movements are slowed down and his attack is totally null until the bubble disappears.

As you can see, I have created a new account in Facebook to dedicate myself only to wizards and supporters. So I'm counting on the "roadstories" and "night-road4" account in case they dare to play.

Puedes descargar este divertido juego en tu móvil android

You can download this fun game to your android phone

Champions Legion_20200729160513.jpg

Google Play: Champions Legion 5v5 MOBA

Todo el material fue grabado directamente del juego incluyendo las capturas con mi Redmi Note 9 / All the material was recorded directly from the game including the captures with my Redmi Note 9

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