Hardest mission in TheHunter: Call of the Wild

in gaming •  last year 

Hello, gamers. Welcome back to my blog.

You must be wondering after reading the title of this post. What could be the hardest mission in a hunting game like this?
Getting a heart shot from 300 meters? No.

Hunting a lion with a handgun? No, that would be easy as well.

The toughest would be to take picture of a Fallow Deer. I am not kidding, these buggers are some of the shiest animals I have encountered in this game. Their sense of vision and hearing are too good and they live in thick deciduous forests.

When I got assigned this mission, I thought it would be done in 5 minutes but how wrong was I? It took me over 30 minutes to spot one and that too got spooked so easily and just disappeared into the forest. I tried to follow its tracks but no matter how far I followed it, I never saw it again.

But I didn't let that ruin my hunting session. I hunted a lot of animals, ranging from small rabbits to big and heavy Bison. I spared none.

I am still hunting in Hirschfelden reserve and which has a healthy population of geese and Pheasants.

Look at that beautiful "Ring-Necked Pheasant". Every bird and animal has unique sounds that match closely with their calls in real life. This game is so well made, it gives a fully immersive experience.

There are a lot of empty hayfields on this map that gives much required open space for hunting. I love to hunt here as you can spot animals easily there.

I spotted a wild boar crossing the field, it was an easy target for me. We both saw each other and I quickly took the shot. My ranger .243 packs enough power to puncture both lungs at a closer distance.

Wild boar is a class 4 animal and I have the weapon that can take care of animals between class 2-6. Any vital shot will mean that the animal will not survive. I may have to track down the wounded animal over some distance depending on how lethal the shot was, but in the end, any vital shot should take down pretty much anyone.

Another interesting animal I saw was the European Bison, they are one of the biggest if not the biggest animals in the game. A wounded bison can become very aggressive and might attack you.

Look at the stats on the right side, I took the first two shots with my rifle from some distance which were both ineffective and only did 6% and 7% damage. The bullets failed to penetrate thick flesh.

I chase it for some time and then it become aggressive and came at me. I quickly switched over to my shotgun and shot it in the head. It took me 3 shots from the shotgun to take down this beast. Total five shots for this.

It is a class 9 animal and I need a much better weapon to take down Bison or similar large animals with one shot.

Anyways, I levelled up and unlocked a better scope for my rifle. Now I can zoom further but my aim wobble has increased now.

I bought the Hyperion 4-8X42 Rifle Scope for 12000. My eyes are on 7MM Empress Magnum now. It is a very powerful weapon that can take down big game like lions, bison, buffalos, and bears in one shot. I need to collect 36000 for this. It will take me some time as I have to constantly buy my bullets as well and they are not that cheap.

After buying the new scope and more bullets, I had no cash left. Doing missions can give me good cash but the easier way for me to collect cash is by hunting more animals. I might need to switch the reserve to Savana or Silver Peak Ridges as they offer plenty of animals that I can farm easily.

I will leave you with a few beautiful shots from this reserve.

Thanks for reading...

~~Until next time. ~~


- All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
- Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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