Tremulous Is A First-Person Shooter With Elements Of Real Time Strategy. [ENG-ESP]

in games •  4 months ago 

Tremulous is a first-person shooter with elements of real time strategy. Each team must construct and defend a base, consisting of structures which aid the players in some way. The most important structure is the spawn, which provides each team with reinforcements to replace players who have been killed.

During a match, most players engage in fighting the enemy, while others maintain the base and construct new structures. In order to destroy the enemy, humans utilize various weapons, armor and other upgrades, while aliens may evolve into more powerful classes, each of which possesses unique abilities.

The teams do not have access to all possible upgrades and buildings at the beginning of the game. Each team must reach a threshold of frags in order to advance to the next developmental stage. The point at which a stage change occurs varies dynamically depending on the number of players on each team.

Each new stage brings more upgrades for the humans and more classes for the aliens.

Tremulous es un juego de disparos en primera persona con elementos de estrategia en tiempo real. Cada equipo debe construir y defender una base, formada por estructuras que ayuden a los jugadores de alguna manera. La estructura más importante es la generación, que proporciona a cada equipo refuerzos para reemplazar a los jugadores que han sido asesinados.

Durante una partida, la mayoría de los jugadores luchan contra el enemigo, mientras que otros mantienen la base y construyen nuevas estructuras. Para destruir al enemigo, los humanos utilizan varias armas, armaduras y otras mejoras, mientras que los alienígenas pueden evolucionar hacia clases más poderosas, cada una de las cuales posee habilidades únicas.

Los equipos no tienen acceso a todas las mejoras y edificios posibles al comienzo del juego. Cada equipo debe alcanzar un umbral de fragmentos para poder avanzar a la siguiente etapa de desarrollo. El punto en el que se produce un cambio de etapa varía dinámicamente dependiendo del número de jugadores de cada equipo.

Cada nueva etapa trae más mejoras para los humanos y más clases para los alienígenas.

In addition to requiring a certain stage, each human item or alien class must be purchased using currency earned in game. The aliens are awarded frags for killing their foes which may be used to evolve (these points are commonly called evos by players). The Humans gain credits. Players earn currency by killing enemy players or by destroying key enemy structures; the amount of received currency depends on what class the opponent was (or what structure was destroyed) and how much of the target's total damage was dealt by the killing player. As a mechanism to encourage builders, who naturally don't engage in combat, players are also rewarded currency every two minutes by simply staying alive.

Builders are responsible for construction of new buildings and base maintenance. Each building takes up a certain number of build points available to each team. The number of build points can vary from map to map and server to server, limiting how large bases can become. To reduce the likelihood of the match ending in a tie, most games enter a sudden death mode ten to fifteen minutes before the draw/tie time limit. This is a period during which the building of most or all structures is prohibited, allowing attackers to more easily overwhelm the defenders.

Aliens. / Alienos.

The alien base is centered around a structure called the "Overmind", which is needed for their other structures to function and new structures to be built.

Aliens spawn from Eggs. Eggs work even when the Overmind is dead, but new eggs cannot be built without it.

As they earn frags, alien players can evolve into a new form in order to upgrade their health and gain new abilities. As the vast majority of alien attacks are melee attacks, most of these creatures depend on agility and special movement techniques such as wall-walk, wall-bounce, charging and pouncing over long distances to close the distance between themselves and their enemy.


La base alienígena se centra alrededor de una estructura llamada "Supermente", que es necesaria para que funcionen sus otras estructuras y se construyan nuevas estructuras.

Los extraterrestres aparecen a partir de huevos. Los huevos funcionan incluso cuando la Supermente está muerta, pero no se pueden construir nuevos huevos sin ella.

A medida que obtienen fragmentos, los jugadores alienígenas pueden evolucionar a una nueva forma para mejorar su salud y adquirir nuevas habilidades. Como la gran mayoría de los ataques alienígenas son ataques cuerpo a cuerpo, la mayoría de estas criaturas dependen de la agilidad y técnicas especiales de movimiento como caminar por la pared, rebotar en la pared, cargar y abalanzarse sobre largas distancias para acortar la distancia entre ellos y su enemigo.

Humans. / Humanos.

Humans spawn from structures called "Telenodes", which function in much the same way as alien's eggs. They are primarily suited for ranged fighting and need a strong, defensible base in order to survive. At the core of the human base is the "Reactor", responsible for powering nearly all other base equipment. If it is deconstructed or destroyed, automated defenses and upgrade structures are rendered useless; if it is not immediately replaced the human team is usually defeated. Humans do not have different classes; instead they can buy and sell upgrades at a structure called the "Armory". These upgrades include armor, jet-packs, and powerful weapons.

Los humanos se generan a partir de estructuras llamadas "Telenodos", que funcionan de manera muy similar a los huevos de extraterrestres. Son principalmente aptos para combates a distancia y necesitan una base fuerte y defendible para sobrevivir. En el centro de la base humana se encuentra el "Reactor", responsable de alimentar a casi todos los demás equipos de la base. Si se deconstruye o se destruye, las defensas automatizadas y las estructuras de mejora se vuelven inútiles; si no se reemplaza inmediatamente el equipo humano suele ser derrotado. Los humanos no tenemos clases diferentes; en cambio, pueden comprar y vender mejoras en una estructura llamada "Armería". Estas mejoras incluyen armaduras, mochilas propulsoras y armas poderosas.

Sources and Screenshots / Fuentes y Capturas de Pantallas:

Tremulous Official Website.
Official Tremulous Manual.
Official Player And Server Count Statistics.

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