"The Game of Words" by Linda Ellis is a quick and enjoyable read for people of all ages. Puns, rhyming words, tongue twisters and sooner--in the popular author of An Almanac of Words at Play offers a delightful and witty look at the world of language. Curriculum Vitae, or game cards, come in several styles. Secrets, pop-ups, hidden areas, and other games help to make the game of words fun and lively.
"The Game of Words" offers twenty-six different puzzles that are suitable for children of all ages, including young adults, and it includes phonetic spellings and word ways for musical instruments. For example, the musical instruments game requires you to play the xylophone while reading the lyrics to a song, and then you must find the corresponding words ending in the right pitches and phrases. In addition, there is the musical word search, and word search challenges with music, including the familiar tunes from television shows like "Fantasy Island." There are even musical clues for the older kids, and a lot of different puzzles for the younger children as well.
In this book, the author examines the many reasons why people would play the game of words and provides many interesting and humorous facts about the different types of people who enjoy the game. The author has gathered together a group of her favorite quips, and she translates them into a puzzle that has a unique appearance that is quite fun to solve. This book contains an all-original twist on the traditional riddles of the English language.
There are a number of ways to enjoy the game of word puzzles. A simple word puzzle can be played using the traditional pack of marbles. The player is given a set number of marbles, and the goal is to put the correct words onto the appropriate spaces within the pack of marbles. The words must be in the correct position both vertically and horizontally. If any letters are misaligned, the marble does not count, and the player loses.
There are other ways to enjoy the game of word puzzles. One way is to use a standard list of words, which can be printed on a piece of paper or taped to the refrigerator. This is a great way to have the children help with the creation of a puzzle, as it is much more difficult to make a mistake when you are relying on numbers rather than actual words. This method also works well for longer lists of common words.
For a younger child who is beginning to learn how to read, the author provides a solution for the game of the words that will allow the child to solve a puzzle and have some fun at the same time. In this book, the author uses a variety of pictures and illustrations to help with the teaching of phonics. She includes several sample vocabulary lists that are common in books on phonics, as well as common words ending in "s", such as the word "sleep".
While the game of the letters may seem easy, the author reveals a number of steps that the student should follow when solving a word puzzle. For example, if the first group of letters are "A", "B", "C", and "D", she teaches the student to match the first four alphabets in the set using the stem "A". The same is true for the second group of letters. In each of these sets, matching the appropriate letter is essential to solve the puzzle.
The author provides an easy to understand guide to solving word puzzles, and she also provides a list of sample word puzzles. Many of the sample puzzles are from well known TV programs, including "word sweaters"," Sudoku" and more. This book is not only a great learning tool, but it is a fun and challenging puzzle that children will enjoy solving. When you buy The Game of Words, you will not only learn a trick question you can use right now, but you will also learn something about the language that you are speaking! This is a very effective teaching tool, especially for children who are learning English!