On a hunt for Garden Furniture

in furniture •  2 months ago 

As my home is shaping up, now it's time to look at getting furniture and setting it up. The building work was easy because there the architects did all the job and I only had to give my yes or no, but furniture and decor is something that I need to do it all by myself. Yesterday I went hunting for garden furniture, as I have a nice swimming pool and a backyard where I can place some sofas and chairs to sit. I never expected it to turn out so complicated and difficult. Since past so many days I have been checking out for options online.

The normal home furniture is easier to get because there are ample of shops but for garden furniture there are only few options. Also I did not expect that it would be expensive. I am quite shocked to see the prices. The garden sofa sets are super expensive. I had options between plastic and metal cane furniture. I decided to go for the metal and cane one because it will have a longer life.

Yesterday I was on the mission to get the right furniture for my garden and morning I left from home shortlisting a couple of shops which are big ones. I assumed that since they are the big ones they would have some options. Sadly none of them had garden furniture. Towards evening time I was feeling disappointed. Then one of my friend suggested me a place to check it out, it's a place where there are multiple furniture stores. Again here also all of them were into wooden furniture, in the end I found 1 outlet where there was exactly the furniture that I was looking for.

There were lot of online options, but I do not want to buy it online. I would like to see the work and then buy it. Finally this one outlet has a showroom where I could take a look at variety of garden furniture. I felt some relief.

Some of the items that I liked and shortlisted I clicked the pictures to show it to hubby also and finalize with him.


I liked this color combination, it's attractive, but I am only thinking that it will get dirty also very fast, since it will be outdoors.

This swimming pool deck chair is something I can see for the first time ready in this outlet, else a few places that I checked before only had it in catalogues. I get some confidence to buy it now.

Finally my hunt is over :-)

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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