"Amanita magnivelaris fungus''.

Amanita magnivelaris fungus
It is a kind of fungus. It is basically a fungus of the Amanita species. This species is also called mushroom. The fungi of this species are deadly toxic.
The fungus of this species is called Amanita magnivelaris, also known as a scientific name or botanical name. However, this species of fungus is also known by a common name, such as the great felt skirt destroying angel.
This Amanita species has many poisonous fungi of which this magnivelaris is one. The fungus of this species is a fungus belonging to the category Basidiomycete.
Fungi are closely related to botany. This type of fungus is discussed in botany books. The whole body of this fungus of the species Amanita is white.
The bassidia of this fungus are elliptical and have 4 spores. Its pileus tends to be shiny, convex and somewhat viscous in nature. This fungus has a membrane that is decorated with white annulus.
There are several parts to this species of fungus---
Cap: The cap is white to cream in color and viscous when moist. In addition, the fungi of this species become concave with age. The cap often carries a membrane punch with the valve. This cap is usually about 100 mm wide.
Gills: These gills are clearly attached to the stems for free. The color of these gills is sometimes from white to a strange pink color.
Stem: The stem is white and subsyndric type. At the base of the stem, the bulb is about 20 mm wide. Then their broad rings are usually longer than the membrane.
This species is DEADLY POISONOUS