The FUD is making people believe that Death is Abnormal.

in fud •  2 years ago  (edited)

The only thing Abnormal is all the FUD…

Vaccines have reduced death by over 4 Million. Or more.

2022 … 56,000,000 deaths per year (projected +/-)
2021 … 60,119,439
2020 … 59,230,795
2019 … 58,394,378
2018 … 57,625,149
2017 … 56,935,173
2016 … 56,331,837
2015 … 55,822,989


Vaccines, in general, have saved millions of lives.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that vaccination prevents 2-3 million deaths each year. Also the quoted number from the WHO is in important ways a very low estimate.

Source :

World Death Clock :

World Death count :


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I must ponder how You figure jabs of toxins have saved lives... I mean, We have never isolated or purified ANY "virus." We have nothing but dead cell debris with arrows pointing at spots claimed to be "viruses." All "virus genomes" were created in computer files with bits of genetic material They found and stitched together in said files.

They have NEVER honestly proven contagion. Thousands of well People have had the sick visit up close and personal, coughing, sneezing, and even spitting into the wells' mouths, had the mucus of the sick swabbed into Their nasal passages, and had the mucus and blood of the sick injected into Them.

ZERO fell ill.

The only One to "prove" contagion" was Rockefeller's pal, Pasteur, who admitted in His postumously published journals that He used mercury in the stuff He used to "prove" it - and that WILL make One ill.

Vaccines have caused more damage than any other "medical" procedure. I know. I have lived in pain since I was 6 and got the "polio" jab. This is My experience:

Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing:

This is an excellent piece covering the history of the Rockefeller lies for profit potential (petro-"medicines" and "vaccines) and fear factor (used to full scope in 2020). I highly recommend it:

The End of Germ Theory:

I was Vaccine Damaged at age 11 when I had to get a round of shots to immigrate with my family from the UK to the USA... A few weeks after receiving the shots and living in NYC, I began having nervous shakes whenever more than 2 or 3 other children were talking to me simultaneously... it was an overwhelming feeling that would cause my face to twitch and head to shake... and I hid this in shame all throughout my childhood and learned to cope with it in my adult years. Thanks Big Pharma~!

A staggering number of doctors and scientists are speaking out... when children are over vaccinated, their immune systems shift towards allergy and autoimmunity.

"Vaccines" have been nothing but experiments on Us from the Rockefeller get-go.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes. Follow the money ….

Who created these Vaccines ? It was Operation Warp Speed.

This guy :



Yes and no. As I have said elsewhere, Trump was just the puppet.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok. Snowflake.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Triggered. 😂


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