Less and Less Witnesses in Blurt : FUNNY BLURT

in fucking •  2 years ago  (edited)

Since Blurt became a huge farming votes shit place
and Marius is tired of holding the shit bucket on its own and no one is buying anyway not even World Travel Not Pro ( cause he got free coins now , same as scammy founders ) price crashed again ....

Yeah Price Crashed again and we are now left with only 36 witness total ...TOTAL .
Same old shit with Saboin and MegaD holding the first seats ...but busy somewhere else ... probably drying the tears of Jacob after he got trashed from a secret project i wont talk about .

Looks like even @bestkizito has left the witness boat
Blurt has become a HUGE clown party with people begging for votes , friends of friends getting away with free icecreams cause it is the way we do it when we are called SCUMS .
So dont worry if you plagiarized 100% like @zahidsun does , as long as you are buddy with the piece of shit ...keep on smiling !

No need to comment , no one gives a shit anyway , you can repost the same stolen contents in hundreds of communities like he does and be a ghost everywhere ..though ..
You wont become a fatly paid employee like Zahid but at least you will have some Bitchbooster in your veins , here in blurt

YAWN .....





Always by WTnotPRO , the greatest ....

Sucking balls to @Offgridlife ( who always answer )

And #1 GEM !!!! TRIPLE sucking balls to @mariuszkarowski who of course , did not answer .


Thanks for coming and have an amazing day 👋🏻


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This post rocks, i enjoy a good rant...

But i also like memes and enjoyed ultaviolets post too

Fuck I'm a diplomatic cunt, maybe i should be a witness...


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol ....it is ok to share memes ( 100% plagiarized ) and recycled posts .
It is not ok to point the fingers and judge out of envy and jalousy the ones who do it if you do it yourself afterward .
What i pin point is Hypocrisy to its highest , blurt stinks real bad with those bunch of morons .
Lucylin posts own contents and is a real person , why is he blocked in nsfw bullshit and no BBdick for him ? Because he doesnt lick their dicks
Why Reiders can post nsfw without using tag , still get away with it and is on BBdick vote ? We told him many times , i love his work but some people complain they were shocked and he doesnt care .
If we let him get away with it , why Lucylin is still in it ? all hypocrisy bullshit and ballsucking .

I am wondering if i should post only dicks now 🤔


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As a new comer, first of all may I say that I really like this post and debate (I have read it yesterday, I am not aware of the full history so what you wrote did have an effect). I can see that you were able to write freely what you did, it could be considered FUD so it would of been muted, downvoted or something). Yes HIVE does have order at that level, then again some are downvoted instantly and even if their content is good, they can not bypass that (talking in general, I personally never got downvoted). Then again you bring go points such as just pasting the same content over and over, or simple just stealing someone else content and can't get penalized for it is not really better.

There is both good and bad and everything. Please understand that I am just talking in a general matter. Personally, I do post on HIVE and I do love that chain. The content that I post there is unique, I do not copy it to other chains, but that is a personal choice and it is just the way I roll. For others, the same content in different chains can be very positive to been seen and that is a good thing too. I realize that my reply It is a little bit like an horoscope (they cover both angles), I guess that I just want to share my opinion, maybe it can help out in some way. I think that at this state, there can a lot of potential for this chain (even it it seem that have been crashing down), actually I feel that this is a little bit like getting into something early (as weird as it sounds). Anyway, I really like the post, the debate that went with it :-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah Blurt Rocks .
If it was not for these cocksuckers who think they are the boss with ethics and are showing the opposite like WTP and Ultravioletmag .
They have been sucking the boss ( yes because it is a centralized blockchain , let that be clear ) to have delegations and play the Gods in Blurt .
Like we fucking care about their stupid votes when coin is so cheap and everyone is supposed to buy instead of begging .. beggers begging beggers .
But hey , you will do good , your blog is super cool and just me saying that in a comment , will attract them to you , cause they are my stalkers , you ll see 😉

Have fun 🌹

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for telling me that my blog is cool :-) I do not judge or think that anyone is a cocksucker, as I am not judging you neither to have your opinions, everyone is entitle to have them. I do not know many on blurt, but I personally appreciate the warm welcome and support that some people that you are naming gave me. If it was not for the comments and upvotes from them , would I really have notice and wanting to take care in Blurt? I would say no, I post on other platforms and I do not do it for the money. But those upvotes and those reblurts did touch me in a positive way and I am sure that it did the same things for others : therefore it gives me a great user experience and they made me want to take part in this chain, to participate and help make it grow. I do not know who is WTP (or many blurters for a fact), but I fully appreciated the support that Ultravioletmag and World Travel Pro gave me from the start and I truly believe that they care and I hope one day I will actually be able to show my support to others in a same way (when I will have more weight, I will be able to make more significant upvotes). Everyone is allowed to their opinions, I choose to go with the positive approach : doing what I can to help the chain as I believe that the concept of Blurt can go far. Take your post for example : let us be honest, it is very negative and yet look at the replies, they remain very objective. What you see as stalking (as you mention that they are your stalkers), I see as caring, you would not see a reply if they did not.

Anyway, thanks for the little comment on my blog, I appreciate, hopefully positivity will shine on you. I think that there is good everywhere, you just got to see it! 😃

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That makes you another balls licker then and a hypocrite ...but we are used to it in Blurt ...
i keep my positivity for real people and if i came to your blog is because @mariuszkarowski shared a link here , because witness .

"If it was not for the comments and upvotes from them , would I really have notice and wanting to take care in Blurt?"
You are not here for the money yet you wouldnt be here if you didnt have upvotes...that sums it up .
Have fun , sucking balls in not bad for health .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

:-), you are interpreting this wrong I believe : "You are not here for the money yet you wouldn't be here if you didn't have upvotes" --> What about eyes, being seen : that has value. Think of it this way : When you post tons of drawings and stuff, and after countless hours of work (because let us be honest here, making content is work), after like 10 posts you get 1 upvote...you get the feeling that no one has seen and that you completely went by unnoticed. This has for effect that you want to just stop, but when you see a little upvote or comment or something you have posted, it feels good, not for the money but mostly for the fact that someone did see your work. So you want to make more, you want to get better and you appreciate a lot more what is presented to you, realizing the work behind it. Next thing you know, you naturally get more engaged and you want to be able to return the favor and contribute. When you draw something, you usually draw it once, so if you want that drawing to get the attention you want it to get, but that you limit yourself to one spot only, you are shooting yourself in the leg. When I see it that way, I can only see contribution to the growth. I am starting to really enjoy Blurt for those principles actually, to say what goes your head in a filter free manner (just like what you are doing) but also It is making me realize that my content is mine and I should be able to posts how many times and where ever I want.

Anyway, I am objective and respect what you are saying, I just see it in a different way and understand why it is done and actually appreciate that it van bring value. You can call me a ball sucker all you want if I do not see things the same way you are, I am not holding it against you.(actually when you say "Have fun , sucking balls in not bad for health", I still think it is pretty funny (I am not offended at all)) and will keep reading the horoscopes that you share (I like them and I read what I like) as the same fact that I will go upvotes the same post on all the different platforms because I like them and will show my support in any way that I can ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Due to restrictions on server payment I had to wait. I will restart my witness soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh yeah how can i forgot you are an employee in Blurt...my bad

Some time ago fervi wrote a proposal: No More Hardforks. Nobody commented on it, but today I'm ready to admit he was right. This system will never be perfect. The only thing we can do is to let everyone be who they want to be. Someone wants to be selfish and greedy - let them be, let them maximize their profits. Even fake stake is OK as long as it will be used to upvote all posts. If megadrive is not afraid of losing everything one day, it is OK with me, it is his problem. If he loses his fake stake then the community can only gain from it

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He doesnt care , Blurt was only a facade for them for advertising their real projects... they keep it fakely important because that would be called an official rugpull and we could sue their ass .
They pay the puppets for the fun ... a miracle can happen but we know in crypto it is not called a miracle .
Also , many people in Hive wanted to come until they find out MegaD was involved , the traitor who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in steemit and also because of those scums like wtp who pushes everybody away by going into hive saying it is better in blurt and spitting on everyone there .
I got tons of messages from people who were shocked by this scum using moronic attitude trying to bring people who could have come if it was a normal situation , now it is all divided because of him and his buddy OTM .
We look like fools and the founders still gave them this pseudo power to be cunts all over .
Yeah , let the boat sink .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

All these people doing dev work for free , only tekraze is paid for whatever work he does ...Is he even here ...
for now i am holding my witness vote since it is all rigged .

Price didn't crashed.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

In my blurt wallet it is 0.0054
And in tribaldex it went from 0.019 hive to 0.013
No improvement

arbitrage opportunity, buy at $0.0045 on probit, sell at $0.00599 on hive-engine https://beeswap.dcity.io/swap?pools&search=blurt

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh yeah the pool but it has risk
I am only in tribaldex so it is all good , will sell only there
Am still coping with losses so i wont buy for now .


The only risk is a low liquidity. This is why I asked megadrive to lock a few million BLURT in swap pools; to strengthen the price , unfortunately he is not interested in this, he prefers to multiply his stake by upvotes

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Of course he does and repeating always the same nonsense for the community to stay blind because he is a co-founder !
life will get him on a different corner .

Yeah, he says that every blockchain has a founders stake but he is not telling us that he is the only founder who forgot to register foundation and runs a risky business. As I said, if he gets in trouble we can only win

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We all know by now , a project is given to a community ...( that is what honest crypto project creators do ) Money is not supposed to be taken from the community ( investors )
Meaning , They should have bought their coin like everyone .
And yes not registered , that is why they play it very safe by staying here , paying a facade of cunts to do the job ..

We both know , we will win .

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Just skimmed over your BS... 😂😂😂

Thanks for the mention ! 🤙🤙🤙

Make me famous DH! 😂😂😂


This was a very interesting read!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am glad you liked it ^_^