Fruit content in daily meals

in fruit •  2 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

how are you all Hope everyone is well by God's grace. I am also fine by the grace of God. Wishing everyone good health. Today I want to share with you a new topic. These are my daily food items. Usually every day I eat some kind of fruit. Which helps to keep my body and mind healthy. I think everyone should eat some fruit every day. It contains various vitamins and calcium which help to keep the body healthy. Today I would like to share with you some of the qualities and benefits of the fruits that I have collected for consumption.


The fruits that I bought from the market to eat today are mango, banana, malata dates.
Mango is a delicious fruit. Mango is the first among my favorite foods. As I live outside the country we get mangoes in season and off season. It costs less to buy fresh mangoes but it costs more to buy off-season mangoes. Mango I think mango is a favorite fruit for everyone. I give him plenty of vitamins and calcium. Which helps in body growth. I also have a variety of other ingredients. For example, every 100 grams of ripe mango contains 90 kilocalories of food energy, 8300 micrograms of carotene, 78.6 grams of water, 20 grams of sugar, 1 gram of fat, 0.7 grams of fat, 0.7 grams of fiber, 20 mg of calcium, 1.3 mg of iron. , 41 mg of vitamin-C and zero decimal 1. So I think we should eat 100 g
Then my favorite fruit is banana. I have banana for breakfast every morning. Banana protects the body from weakness. One banana can work for at least two hours. Also contains various amounts of vitamins calcium potassium iron calories. For example, the nutritional value of bananas per 100 grams.Water 70.1%, Meat 1.2%, Fat 0.3%, Minerals 0.8%, Fiber 0.4%, Sugar 7.2%, Calcium 85 mg, Phosphorus 50 mg, Iron 0 .6 mg, contains vitamin-B complex 8 mg and vitamin-C. Bananas help in the overall development of the body.
Then there is my other favorite fruit Malta. Malta is rich in vitamin C. Which removes the lack of vitamin C in the sharile. I start eating mala whenever I feel tired. Malt also contains a variety of vitamins and calcium. Not only Vitamin-C, Malt contains B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and fat-free calories. Apart from these, malta has many other nutritional properties. Malta is no match for meeting the needs of vitamin-C. A glass of malt juice is considered to be the most effective source of vitamin-C.

Finally, I would like to say that everyone should include some fruit in their daily diet. But don't overdo it. Eat as much as you need. Because eating more than necessary can cause digestion and gas. And if the body is fat and overweight, then as per medical advice, one should eat fruit every day, it was Allah Hafez till today.

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