Luffa cylindrical (SIKWA in Cebuano)

in fruit •  last year 



Luffa cylindrica or( SIKWA IN CEBUANO)which is commonly called sponge gourd, loofa, vegetable sponge, bath sponge or dish cloth gourd, is a member of cucurbitaceouse family.

The fruits of Luffa cylindrica are smooth and cylindrical shaped. One mature Luffa sponge will produce at least 30 seeds.

Plant is bitter tonic, emetic, diuretic and purgative and useful in asthma, skin diseases and splenic enlargement.

It is used internally for rheumatism, backache, internal hemorrhage, chest pains as
well as hemorrhoids. Young fruit can be eaten raw like cucumber or cooked like squash, while the young leaves, shoots, flower buds, as well as the flowers can be eaten after being lightly steamed.

The seeds can be roasted as a snack, or pressed to produce oil. Externally, it is used for
shingles and boils. The dried fruit fibers are used as abrasive sponges in skin care, to remove dead skin and to stimulate the circulation.

The fruits are anthelmentic, carminative, laxative,
depurative, emollient, expectorant, tonic and galactagogue and are useful in fever, syphilis,
tumours, bronchitis, splenopathy and leprosy.

The vine is most commonly grown for the fibrous interior of the fruits.

Kernel of seed is expectorant, demulcent and used in dysentery. Seed oil is
used in leprosy and skin diseases. Fruit is intensely bitter and fibrous. It has purgative property
and is used for dropsy, nephritis, chronic bronchitis and lung complaints. It is also applied to the body in putrid fevers and jaundice.


If you have spent enough money on ASTHMA and you still haven’t got well, pls go and try this.
That's all for today than you. God bless all.


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