The Real Significance of Friendship - It might differ for each person (2)

in friendship •  2 months ago 


The people who know all of your flaws and inadequacies yet still refuse to pass judgment on you are your true friends. Rather than leaving you hanging, they will advise you on what has to be done. Rather than criticizing your habits, they would seek to improve you as a person. In the same way, people would anticipate that you would help them improve rather than holding it in and silently passing judgment on them.

Stands beside you in trying times

We can all agree on this one, and people who are truly friends with you understand what I mean. Your true buddy will understand your needs and provide them for you during these trying times. This does not imply that you have to be in physical proximity to your friend. Even if they are not physically present with you right now, they would still be there to provide moral support. Know that somebody is a keeper if you have that one person you can always count on to support you through good times and bad.

Keeps the space between you two constant

Of all, one of the main reasons that many relationships end is distance. True friends realize that no matter how far apart you are or how long it has been since you last spoke, you can always pick up where you left off when you get together or speak again! The degree of connection that may be reached with someone is truly remarkable. I'm sure those of you who already have that kind of relationship with one of your friends understand what I mean!

Remains devoted to you forever

Between friends, there are conflicts and fights. Occasionally, a disagreement can drag on for so long that you stop communicating altogether! Real friends would try to stay in touch with you and look for opportunities to get back together. If they do, honor their actions and give thanks to God for such wonderful friends!

You would always have faith in

You would know that they wouldn't reveal your secrets, even if you were to quarrel with them. They will be disappointed no matter what you do wrong with them, but the truth is that they will still respect your secrets and never divulge them. No matter how your life progressed, they would always value you the same.

Really. No one can put you in the shoes of your friend. Sometimes, you just have a gut feeling that a friend is a friend—whether or not they have had an opportunity to demonstrate it—and you don't even need any evidence to support that notion. They radiate positivity, and being around them makes you feel wonderful, self-assured, driven, and energized. These are the people you don't have to spend every day hanging out with. But when you return home, you'll feel good about yourself!

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