True Friends

in friends •  2 years ago 

I know you and I were not brothers by birth, but I also knew from the beginning that fate had made both of us brothers at heart. True friendship is the only gift in this heartless world that gives us the support to move forward in our lives.

I remember reading somewhere, “A friend is a true ambassador that shows us a path to a better life.” So, my friend, you are the official representative of my life.

Friends say that the one who has earned genuine friendship has earned everything, and the one who didn’t earn friendship has earned nothing. I know that if I have earned friendship, and for that friendship, I find something that will strengthen our friendship.

To make our work easier, we have to make our friendship even stronger, keeping in mind that only friendship can lead our lives to an ideal path.

Friends are more than the family that we choose for ourselves, and therefore, they are precious in our lives. The friends are more than our brothers or sisters, whom God did not give us by birth but sent into our lives for a purpose. Image Source


Now that God has given us such friends, we are very lucky to have them. We should definitely celebrate this friendship. Our friends should realize their importance, as what is better than a loyal friend that keeps us going all the way.

A real friend is an ambassador of life, the one who guides you through and takes care of your life when the world leaves you in sorrow, and your friend takes your sorrows from you. You should be grateful to the friends who keep you happy. They are the true ambassadors of your lives.

Life is about walking, and these genuine friends have a hand in running us. I could not even imagine what would have happened to me without them.

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