Grill party with friends

in friend •  11 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

I hope you all are well Alhamdulillah I am also well. Today I will tell about when and how I had a grill party with my friends.

First of all we were having exams at that time. On the last day of the second exam, we all planned to have a grill party at our friend's house. And will be very happy when the exam is over. Then the exam started from 9 am to 12 pm. Then we hurriedly took the exam and left the hall together. And one of us takes the money from everyone. For fetching goods from our Chaumni Bazar. Then we also give the money to him. And come home. After freshening up after lunch and resting for a while, at three o'clock I have a friend a little far from our market, we went to their house and the four of us got together. Then from there we go to the friends house where we will have the party. And we all go there together. At that time it was afternoon we wandered around a bit and when evening came we all started our grilling activities.
Then the mother of the friends we went to gave us dinner. We all did not sit together and eat. Then we got back to work. So we didn't chop up the chickens before grilling them. And after two hours it is brought up for burning. (And yes we roasted the chickens on the roof that time it was winter) Then we cut the chickens one by one and put them on the chicken.
Then we mix the spices well again. And we fan every now and then so that the fire does not go out. That is, the heat does not decrease, the more air is given, the heat increases and the chicken will burn quickly. Then the two of us went down because we were not brought the things to make our Salat. And we went to the market and bought a sour curd and a sauce and 2 kg of cucumbers. Then by the time we get the stuff, our chickens are completely gutted. Then we capture it and bring it. After that, we did not make the salat by cutting everything that was needed to make the salat. Then aunty made ten loaves of bread for us because there were five of us.
Then we take one piece and give it to everyone's plate. Then we finished eating and went out. It was winter so I thought let's play badminton together. Then we all go outside and turn on the lights. And Bet Minton arranged and started the game. We spend our night like this till eleven o'clock then we go home and fall asleep. Then when it dawned, we prayed Fajr and went out for a walk. The atmosphere outside Karon was very wonderful.
And outside it was very foggy pleasant weather and some of us cycled and some walked. Again we continue to make mischief and then we come home after wandering around like this. Allah is Hafez. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah Wabarakatuh

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