Lift/ movie review

in freewriting •  3 years ago 


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  • I do not understand. What do you think of us? We work all day for your company. Then why do you think we are our opponents?

  • Why don't we study and get a degree? Definitely for a job in a company, right? If I wanted I could do independent business. But we, the educated society, never do that, do we? We don't even think about it.

  • To survive, to survive, I will start a small business if necessary, or a small shop. Yet I will not be humiliated in return for my lifelong hard work. This is my wish. Life has taught me something.

The words are not mine. The words belong to Guru, the main character in the Tamil film "Lift" released this year. The character is played by newcomer Kevin, whose fifth feature film was Lift. This, of course, was the directorial debut of its director Vinith. Amrita Iyer has played the role of Harini with Kevin. The story of the film is basically arranged with this guru and Harini.


The film begins with a very smiling light tone, showing that Guru has just joined a software company as a team leader, where Harini is an HR officer. One night when the boss of the office asked the guru to work overtime, he went to work at 10 o'clock at night. After that all kinds of ghostly things started. The guru also finds Harini in a dark corner of the office. They realize that the goal of the supernatural is to keep them in their office. They also understand that tonight will not be dawn for the two of them.

Doesn't match, does it? What is the similarity of the guru's dialogue mentioned above with the story I told a little bit?

This is the director's Munshiana. He kept the story in a very light tone at first and after a while he made it into a creepy ghost picture. Towards the very end, the tempo has changed again. I did not know what the change was.

I want you to watch this film even if you are confused after reading this review. I want every employee in our country to see the “lift”. Change our stereotypical thinking about jobs.

In our country, jobs have long been glorified slavery, and we have all embraced this practice with a smile. But why? So the boss is much higher in rank? If one or two of the lower-ranking Adam quit his job today, would the company continue? Employees, not bosses, are the lifeblood of any company. The day they go bad, the company will sit down.

But that is the essence of human resources. It is not understood how much the HR officer of any country understands it. In our country, even in most cases, there is no such thing as labor law. So the officials of the office exercise the will of their subordinates as they wish. Office in the morning, overtime in the afternoon, and assignments at night. Besides, there is the threat of getting a job if the lime falls from the cheeks and drink.

All these employees spend a long time in a kind of stress. Many people can't take it at one stage with constant mental stress. The ability to take pressure is not the same for everyone. Some people spend a long time working and living a dehumanized life, while others make horrible decisions by burning inside. There is a lot of discussion in our country about the stress on teenagers, why not discuss this issue?

The elevator will make you think of these. Very secretly it will sow the seeds of this meditation in your brain. But it will do so very smoothly. Take a look at the elevator to know how to do it.

Let's look at some exceptions. The exceptions encourage some.

Happy watching.

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