Misleading Statistics - or - When Does Nonsense Make Sense?

in freewrite •  3 years ago 

This is a freewrite poem, a product of no more than six minutes of imaginative wanderings. I did not ruminate one bit, which means to say I did not spend a single nanosecond chewing my thoughts over like a cow chewing cud. I unshackled my mind to write this.

I hoped to freewrite a nonsensical poem, with the image of Klaus Anal Schwab (a nonsensical being if ever there was one) as my prompt. As always when I set out to make no sense at all, I evolved into the making of sense.

This is my entry to @ajerkoff’s Freewrite and Poetry Contest. It is also a pre-entry to @Rycharde's future nonsense contests. Thank you so much for reading my work, and for doing the important work of being truly you.

The image is by Dean Moriarty, @wales


The making of numbers up
precludes the making of brain farting down
and supercedes the wonderment of human folly
when presented with yellow roses
and red tables
which need corrosion removal
and a good deal of metal polish
to look shiny and eatable on again
for the next batch of fart laden fodder
to be dished onto plates
in every home in the world
and sucked in with the new world’s relish -
no relish at all

all passion and imagination,
the fonts of creation,
dried up like the wells beneath all of our feet

ripped out from under us and sold back to us
if we’ve been good and submitted to
the overriding of our innate understanding that
to do harm to oneself
is to harm us all

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you! I have made joined you on discord, and made a short intro there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great to connect with you on Steemit too … I delegate about 15,000 SteemPower to @justyy on Steemit and he upvotes one of my posts per day. I earn about $400 usd per month with this delegation. I think I earn a lot more on Blurt though. Just from posting and curation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I've already made more here than I normally would working my butt off on hive for a solid week! Thanks for your support, and very nice to have met you, everywhere.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Me too…. It took me 4.5 years to earn $20,000 on Steemit … I think I earned maybe $ 4,000 on Hive. (Brutal) and $40,000 on Blurt in 1 year. I did earn about $20,000 with my SteemMonters cards (now Splinterlands)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I put all my energy into hive, and saw rewards dribble in, but I have recently had run ins with acidyo that are very disturbing. I'd stopped posting certain info for fear that all my posts would earn less, or be downvoted. The first seems to be true anyway. I hope Blurt manages to control the bullies.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes. There are many disturbing whales on Hive these days. The Good News about Blurt is that there can never be bullies on here since there are no downvotes. All the bullies are stuck on Hive. They love it there. They love to bully and abuse people. 2 or 3 Bullies control Hive. There is nothing you can do about it over there. The more you complain or try to improve things on Hive the worse it gets.