Freedom Convoy 2023 - Response to Any Future Mandates

in freedomconvoy2023 •  10 months ago 

Due to recently circulated information from insiders at the TSA, I have reasonable suspicion a group of globalist bureaucrats intends to lockdown humanity once again with Virology related health mandates.

Instead of Silently Observing - Take Direct Action

Communication was a important part of the fight against the last authoritarian lockdown of our society. There was a lot of confusion that was diliberated for months about the appropriate measures to take.

Instead of debating what I will do to stop a virus, I am going to record ever single interaction that I have with a concerned citizen, while I call the police to the scene.

Im going to upload the videos to LBRY, Rumble and Bastyon as those are the hardest networks to be censored from. I am aware there is alternatives, but those places are where I plan to upload this video evidence of the violations of my rights should they occur.

The First Day of ANY Future Lockdown

I will be attending parliament hill in Edmonton Alberta to demand local action is taken, while organizing a group of people who want to drive to Ottawa again, together from Alberta.

I have FUCK TRUDEAU decals printed on permanent surfaces bonding stickers, that will last through a Canadian Winter, those are free if you find me IRL and comment on any of my Hive or Blurt posts about seeing me IRL.

Dont Let Them Get the Idea it Will be Easy

Unlike the first plandemic, I wont be listening to the federal government, as they are not my physician and I do not have to follow any mandates.

Every big box store is going to get audited for mask rights within 24hr of posting a sign on a public facing entrance, i hope they have good lawyers because I think I know how to self represent a genetic discrimination case, with video evidence it will be easy to prosecute them imo.

Updates to Follow Pending ANY Future Lockdown in Alberta

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