Remember, as I have told everyone I know in Canada. I will hang these politicians in a sum of 100 per day for their crimes against humanity. I know how to tie a noose and I will sleep very sound at night after performing these acts, in fact I might sleep better than I ever have knowing they are gone from my life's sphere of influence.
I will do this for free as a service to the Canadian people, I just want to be fed cheap fast food and the occasion cannabis joint during the proceedings.
Cool, what's your favourite fast food? I will get you a nice organic homegrown fatty. Will you be "absolutely serene" with your decision?
it must be done. The penalty for eugenics must be set as high as the sky, im not religious but I could stand in front of the highest force in the universe and say that I took the life of the greatest threat to the survivial of my species in the most ordered fashion possible, the example must be made to the rest of our species about what this behavior (eugenics) means to us.