Day 1 - Emergencies Act Inquiry - Was it Constitutional?

in freedomconvoy2022 •  2 years ago 

February 14, 2022 Justin Trudeau invoked the use of the Emergencies Act, for the first time since it became law in 1988.

February 16th 2022, the Prime Ministers Office communicated "potential violent threats" from armed protestors. There was not 1 weapon recovered from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.

Februrary 23rd 2022, the Cabinet struck down the invocation claiming it was unconditional.

October 13th 2022 is the first day, or a long public inquiry into the use of the Emergencies Act. There will be 65 witnesses including Tamara Lich, one of rhe leaders of the convoy who can't even use social media the restrictions of here freedom are so extreme for her participation in the convoy.

Public Order Emergency Commission hearings: Freedom Convoy lawyer speaks with Michael Serapio

CCLA representative Cara Zwibel highlights concerns as Emergencies Act inquiry begins

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm glad this is being discussed. The declaring of a state of emergency gives unconstitutional POWER to UNELECTED HUMANS, who can then make "regulations" that have the force of law. In effect, entities of the executive branch become lawmakers, which is expressly forbidden in the US constitution. Idk about Canadian. In the case of "pandemic" measures, persons of even minimal power in the healthcare industry can, and do, dictate our medical choices and our lifestyle: quarantines, masks, regular injections of experimental "treatments". I am shocked at how easy it was to get so many of us voluntarily doing all those things. That is the scariest part of this whole thing for me.

There is similar legislation in the US.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

we will die on our feet before serving on our knees, right?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, but you can still watch the entire proceedings and make up your own mind. The only court that I even trust lately, is the court of public opinion, the rest of the courts in Canada are kangaroo for sure.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Public opinion in Canada is dangerously ignorant, I would not put any faith there.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have zero faith in about 90% of thebpopulation, but expect them all to be dead from the boosters.

When I meet people this stupid, I encourage for them to commit suicide and if not that i look them directly in the eye and call them a washed up slave.

Thats the 1 angle i agree with the globalists on, these slaves need to be eradicated from the surface of the earth because they are repuslive to be around with such low IQ and suicidal ethics, just taking any jab they are asked without any personal study.