A Message from the Freedom Convoy Community

in freedomconvoy2022 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Anyone who supports the convoy has been sharing this message. I hope it reaches you in good health and with all your rights and responsibilities in order.

The Health Act must be repealed.

The Freedom Trucker Convoy is not just for lifting mandates.

It’s for the family members banned from visiting family in nursing homes.

It’s for the censorship on all social media platforms.

It’s for all the people afraid to speak in fear of being called conspiracy theorists.

It’s for the people who do not want to give up their freedom of choice.

It’s for the people who do not want to give up their right to bear arms.

It’s for the people who do not want to be in debt for the next 100 years.

It’s for the people who want answers to the many questions that have not been answered.

It’s for the people afraid to hug their family and visit friends.

It’s for the people who want their lives back.

For the hairdressers to cut hair.

For the restaurants to serve food.

For the bars to play music.

For dancers who want to dance again.

For the students to learn.

For the kids to be free.

For people who want to work but are forced not to.

This is for the people.

This is for trying to silence honest and hardworking citizens.

Never have we ever seen the healthy punished and the sick untreated, so this is for the healthy people and sick people too.

This is for the 300,000 surgeries cancelled.

This is for the people that died waiting for their surgery.

This is for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able to hold the hands of their loved ones.

This is for the exhausted nurses, teachers, parents etc.

This is for the doctors that are going unheard.

This is for all the front line workers, delivery trucks, grocery store clerks, PSWs who are constantly working overtime etc.

This is for all of us.

👌 If you do not support the freedom truckers, IT’S OKAY because:

If mandates get lifted I would like to remind you... you can still stay home. No one will rip the mask off your face, no one will force you to dine-in at a restaurant, you can still say no to family gatherings and events, you can live within your four walls and NO ONE will stop you. We will not judge you for your choice -- we will be glad you have one. FREEDOM OF CHOICE IS THE GOAL! While you're comfortable where you are, other people are comfortable moving on with living their lives!

A member of the "fringe minority with unacceptable views" 👀✌

Reposted. 🇨🇦 ❤ 🇺🇸 Please SHARE.

You stay safe, we all stay free! 👌🏼🕊

Convoy Current Events

Scenes are from the last 24-48 hours of the freedom convoy. This movement is now international and has 29 supporting democratic countries participating in this convoy.

This is the 1st time English and French Canadians have even protested together... This is big.

Ottawa Airport Convoy

The Ottawa Airport will now be experiencing delays, and that can change as soon as the health act is repealed.

4 Border Crossings Experiencing Delays

Coutts Alberta Border Crossing

Coutts crossing is completely closed, which has a massive american convoy already on site. The convoy goes miles in both directions north and south.

The RCMP has established a checkpoint in Milk River, AB. This is usually driven around by anyone who wants to protest, they just go through the ditch as the RCMP stands around like a bunch of sheepdog morons.

Youll notice they use financial penalty as their only desperte play, while the entire claim of the opposition to the freedom convoy is supply chain issues.

Do you think giving farmers and truckers financial penalties is going to convince them nyone in canad heard their concerns?

Will giving farmers and truckers fine be good for the average Canadian?

Personally i think the fines just convinced them to stay longer, I am in the telegram groups for these convoys, the fines convinced them the message they have was being ignored.

Regardless of what sheepdog people think, the truckers are there until the mandates and health act is rescinded.

Ambassador Bridge Windsor Ontario Crossing

This is the largest border crossing into Canada. For 8 hours everyday it is being gridlocked, with plans to increase the gridlock to 24/7 if the health act is not rescinded.

As you will see in the following video the police are on high alert and the truckers will only allow emergency vehicles to pass, no commercial or private vehicles will be allowed through.

For those of you who like to play victim, ill remind you if you paid tax you directly contributed to the people who manifested the health act, so you cant pretend you did not contribute to the health act and ignorantly go on with life... We are in this together.

Emerson Manitoba Border Crossing

Trucker Rudi is one of the few vloggers I have found in Manitoba, this video is 7 days old but i will provide a news article to source for the closure today.

Still Closed Source: https://winnipegsun.com/news/news-news/protest-forces-closure-of-emerson-border-crossing

Much smaller than Alberta but the border is closed until Canadians are not genetically discriminated against with the health act.

Pacific Highway Border Crossing


This is the 2nd largest border crossing in Canada. There is a very interesting logistical scenario at this border crossing and i am taking my convoy from Alberta, all the way down there to support.

They need many more vehicles at this crossing and I have been arranging a very large convoy in a telegram group that will shock the border closed once we arrive.

I managed to find a way to fund the convoy of mine through private donations, if you would like to contribute I am accepting Blurt, Hive, HBD, USDT, or Zcash for donations.

If you would like to support please comment below and i will reply with a single use address so you can track the useage of your donation from start to finish.

To pay for gas or food is the only real costs there is to the protest, I personally am addicted to coffee so i plan on being the go to coffee guy down at the pacific highway crossing in my area of the convoy once I arrive.

When i arrive in Surrey, BC i will be going live on Odysee. I originally wanted to use theta for this, but i have not got a stream key so my audience is limited to people using the edge node.

Once I arrive, i will be in the area until the Health Act is Repealed. I have family in the area and will not be leaving until the health act does. We have a motorcycle and pedals bikes we are bringing for any errands needed for the convoy.

PhusionPhil Live: https://odysee.com/@phusionlive:9/freedomconvoy2022:6e?r=FGYfZTdLCgTUqt515UbwZLnvEEddRUJq

Did You Know

Did you know you are protected from genetic discrimination and not required to perform any genetic modification or test in Canada?

This is not limited to RNA but does apply to it in reference to a pancoronavirus vaccine.

Source: Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, S.C. 2017, c.3

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

So in other words, this is about racists terrorizing the community :/

I read that Trudeau walked out on Parliament because he has lost the support of many in his own party now. Will be curious if he calls for their arrest for supporting the terrorists in their trucks. I'm waiting for him to produce some science now proving once and for all that the use of horns causes the spread of a new variant of the Covid, one more dangerous than any seen before. It seems to produce sniper bullet wounds in the heads of those in close proximity to the horns sounding, while also watering down confiscated gas that is being returned.

That crafty Covid, always mutating into the most unforeseen variations. Why at this point it mimics just about every disease known to man, and selectively targets everyone but world leaders who are immune to it thus don't have to follow any of the mandates they push on those of us who aren't immune as they.

On a more serious note, watch your back. I've been reading of them sending cops there with a lot of weapons and explosives, and I'm not sure Trudeau is going to back down. His walking out on Parliament could indicate he is about to go total dictator, and if the police and military back him it could drastically change things to being much worse. Given the recent actions of the police there, I'm not so sure a coup isn't in the works. I hope not, but so do all the other places in history where most coups have taken place.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Fortunately there is a lot of police blowing the whistle and saying that freedom was something they took an oath protect on their first day on the job.

also Veterans have been showing support.

I do understand your warnings though, i have been the voice of reason that people need to leave for 2 hours if the police get heated, then return after they go off shift.

They can not keep a full load out for very long, once the cops have all hit a certain limit of overtime hours they will not be legally allowed to work. If they break that for a state of emergency, then their human factors kick in where we can just keep driving in circles without stopping making their head spin.

We have nothing left to loose in the case of a lot of people in the convoy. Our freedom would be the last thing they can take so we invite them to make a spectacle for the world to see their failed police state dissolve as more officers resign on a daily basis, soon they wont even be able to enforce traffic fines...

I have broken this down to a science.

  1. You cant be tired and driving, if the cop thinks you're tired you get intoxicated driving charges
  2. You are only legally required to clear a 12 foot lane (only 1) for emergency access through the protest
  3. If you can not move in gridlocked traffic, you are not breaking any laws.

Strength in numbers, that even a child could understand. There is more 16-20 year olds at these protests than adults, people are forgetting the local kids who will go down every single day to get in on the fun in their broken system they can also see collapsing from the eyes of the innocence of a child.

Thankfully they haven't descended into what's happening in France, although I did read yesterday they have invited Michigan police to come help them. Michigan police don't mind acting like the French police for the record. It's a bad sign they have invited police from another country to come help. Next will be boots from the U.N. and once they are there Canadians better hide the women as they have a long history of raping the local women while they are establishing peace.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

fucking jackboot thugs if I ever heard it!

At least there is lawyers in both Canada and the states and they will sue the police from what I have seen if the damage is bad enough. This video is from recent history near me.

This is also current for this 1 city up here. Edmonton Police do not have a good rep.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I always support the truckers protest, they inspire the world to fight against kovid tyrant government. Canada should win because the world will win.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

very true! I hope to see the success as well!

American Truckers are now on their 2nd day!