The woke brigade

in freedom •  last year 

The ‘woke’ Brigade do make me laugh i actually totally dislike piers Morgan for his attack on the people not getting the covid vaccine even tho he backslid in more recent times but he really owned this guy here. Fancy coming on tv to debate and cancel a book you’ve not even read 🤣 the world has lost it sometimes you just have to grab the 🍿 and watch it unfold.

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  ·  last year  ·  

I'm starting to see a series of patterns of an increase of people looking for a popularity or attention growth by claiming they have been banned from mainstream networks like youtube, Twitter, Facebook, instagram, tiktok etc. Which tells me that the woke the trending phase is turning tables towards more freedom based platforms or platforms that are not as enfored as those mentioned above.

I was banned in Facebook so follow me now.

Anyways, that clip was hilarious. Seeing these types of idiots get whipped by truth itself and being put on the spot as having a ridiculous view point for their very ignorant stance. I could see the girl on the top right looked like she couldn't almost keep her laughter hidden. Who could? lol.

Posted from

People are less scared to stand against it in the past everyone was terrified I think it took some of us braver ppl speaking out early and getting the barrage of hate first

  ·  last year  ·  

I mean, we all get scared from time to time and sometimes it may be uncomfortable to say what needs to be said, but when it needs to be said, and there is snowflakes abut, things tend to turn violent sometimes and possible that may be a reason for ataying silent... Its no wonder people are turning towards social media to say the things they really want to say. "Never underestimate the power of bigotry in large numbers", be sure your amongst open minded friends when confronting these types and that there is more of that type rather than the bigot type.
Just like a mob of idiots can make a smart person feel like an idiot, the reverse can have a positive effect too. Sometimes, in certain moments, staying silent is better. Take care of yourself.

Posted from

I defo think it’s starting to turn the tables lately

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