Where Are The Enlighteners?

in freedom •  2 years ago 

“The subject of this book is not war, although war overshadows it. Its real subject is the sinking of the individual soul into the abyss of the mass soul. And this, to my mind, is a much more decisive phenomenon for the future of humanity than the temporary supremacy of one nation or another.” Romain Rolland, Prologue to “Clerambault, or One Against All. The History of a Free Conscience during the War”, 1920.

The elitescum have thrown a double-six here. First we have two years of pathological fear followed by the present pathological anger. Both come wrapped in the flag of unwavering obedience.

Rolland was a pacifist and anti-war writer, but what does such a posture mean in the midst of an actual war? In an essay after World War I, he cited Spinoza: "For Peace is not mere absence of war, but it is a virtue that springs from force of character."

The physical war is a manifestation of the failure of independent minds to free the spirits of those more easily swayed by propaganda. War does not happen in isolation; it has a prelude and an encore. It happens in the minds of individuals before a single shot is fired in anger - or opportunism. It also continues after the last official shot as the reckonings unravel.

Thus peace is not the mere absence of war - as sleep is not the mere absence of being awake - but is the fruit of a mind directed towards transcending the human condition; a mind that perceives states that are both higher and deeper. It is imperative to demostrate the case that violence is also a form of ignorance and stupidity - violence is a mental disease.

The esoteric literature is filled with examples where peace and harmony are consequences of expanded perceptions, hence they are not moral choices as there is no choice whatsoever in being humane when it is the natural state of being human. That peace is usually spoken about as an intellectual or moral choice is just proof of how fragile and brittle it is - one news item away from crumbling completely.

Returning to the source of the quote at the top, the author, Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, urges the deep need for "intellectual enlighteners".

People’s reason will no longer capitulate to public opinion only when there will be enough enlightened people who will be able to take away from the broad masses of people those individual and collective prejudices that are the ideological background of humanity’s catastrophes.


In my opinion, intellectual enlighteners and free spirits often delude themselves. They usually write for like-minded colleagues; they do not reach the vast majority of fellow citizens. Nevertheless, they are indispensable.

This is an issue of effective articulation, not just between peers but outwards towards the general public. As has been discussed before, rational discourse cannot beat propaganda. The rational consequence is that the enlighteners need to develop triggers that break the entrancement.

Indeed, he himself admits that he has not found a mass cure for mass psychosis, but rather that independence and freedom are won one person at a time.

There are mathematical models of this behaviour; the creation of bubbles exists as both a financial and social phenomenon. The models show that such lockstep behaviour can be avoided, but only if there are enough independent minds that not only avoid following the herd but also manifest their dissent. Unfortunately, that number is quite high; from memory is about 10-15% - and that assumes they are not silenced.

It thus remains a deep problem that so much of humanity is locked into mass obedience. We are left with a paradox in which humans might obey a command to be free! So many believe they are on the side of freedom and democracy yet just cannot see the true tyranny. Strikes me that the "Just do it!" mantra has been the perfect embedded command! We need a new one. But, like bicycle stabilisers, that would be an illusion of freedom.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I should have added a final line.

"Breaking the trance is merely the first step - like removing stabilisers - but the next step is the true freedom to balance independently."

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Enlightened i might be , my intellect is seen as a lower one by the masses that mindlessly obey . It made me stop trying and disconnect from it all .

And why not , as who am i to say anything ,.. even when it could be that i am guided by angels .

I don't have time for the lengthy comment I had last night when I first read this post.

But the short version is one can't save those who not only have no desire to be saved, but would go further and see one destroyed for not toeing the company line.

Hitler remarked on this in his book Mein Kampf. He discussed those mouthpieces at the time who would ignore clear evidence unless they saw the crowd wasn't buying their propaganda and could see it. They would then concede the point and he would leave feeling good at the victory. Then the next day when he encountered those same mouthpieces, they would act as if the day before never happened, and deny the evidence they pretended to accept the day before.

I see many similarities in Germany as described in his book and the U.S. these last decades. I even wrote a post a few years ago discussing Trump using a variation of the Hitler script. They do love trotting out the older hits in cycles.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I used to think that freedom comes after the fight but , contemplation is really the key , freedom is coming and it will come with no effort .
The change is already set for all creation , this system is showing us all the details of what is coming and our visions show us what we always been .
There is no argument, no fight, no fear ..all is perfectly taking place naturally .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And that position - not just the words - comes from a central core awareness; one either has it, or not. If not, then it can be experienced through exercises.

I saw this when I was very young - not articulated in the same way as now. I have no idea of those organisms that cannot see this - I also don't care so much apart from being left alone, and I have no good reasons to not send them to their next existence. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes i believe we know all from birth , i remember my visions even when i was 6 months old , the DMT kicking was very intense and amazing .
No good reasons either , we are all very different in terms of vibration .
Over all our path through hell was necessary to know we dont belong in hell , transformation is a blessing in disguised of pain .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice words.freedom and peace everybody wants. Nice to read ur post.thank you

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Interesting view

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