Grand Illusions, a freewrite

in freedom •  2 years ago 


Kenny's first conversation was with a priest.

If the people in my congregation were without sin, there would be no need for them to come to church

"You'd be out of a job then, wouldn't you? So it is in your best interests to make them believe they are sinful."

"But they are sinful! They cheat on their taxes, hide leftover prescription drugs under their mattresses, and go to domestic terrorism sites online regularly."

"Those are not sins, those are laws and regulations. Different."

"To not pay taxes is theft, to hide prescription drugs is to covet, and to visit terrorism sites is to murder."

"That's insane young man. You make up sins to enslave me to your ideology. I will not comply."


"Archibald was a great friend. Archibald believed all this rot of yours. You and your sins made him question his value as a human being; he left us by his own hand because of your made up sins. He couldn't bear being a sinful man another moment. You killed him. That makes you a murderer, a domestic terrorist not recognized by the government as such."

Kenny's next conversation was with a doctor.

"If everyone were healthy, they would have no need of doctors, and you'd be out of a job. It is in your best interests to make your patients sick, not well. The best way to make them sick is to inject them with toxins, bypassing the body's natural defenses against toxins. Have you ever actually cured anyone?"

"We cure cancer all the time! Just ask Heather out there in the waiting room. She's the one all shriveled up, in the wheelchair, with an oxygen tank and IV tubes."


Kenny's third conversation was with an FDA inspector.

"A half-empty bottle of ketchup in your pantry has expired. You have broken the law by not throwing it away by the expiration date, thereby endangering others. You are under arrest, and this government mandated gun (we can conceal carry them, but you can't) in my holster says you have no choice in the matter. Come along with me. Are you up to date on your vaccines? That will determine where I take you. Have you had flu #4, DTap #12, pneumococcal #3, covid #9, monkeypox #6, polio #4, measles #3, shingles #2, HPV #2, and rabies recently? If not, you'll go to the infirmary first for all those before I can send you into the company of others. Show me your vaccination report on your phone."

I don't have a cell phone.

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This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge on Hive. On Saturdays we have a second option of the fabulous Three Part Freewrite: we write for one prompt for five minutes, then move onto the second and third prompts, no peeking ahead. It's always a trip! The prompts are in bold italics in my entry today.



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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Incentives determine behaviour.

So, let's pay a "health tax" while healthy and get free treatment while sick. erm... that seems to already exist BUT the incentives are wrong, coz the doctors only see that money when you're sick, not when healthy.

Incentivise health - for all parties.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Healing for profit is not without its faults, yet the incentive to be a doctor does make a lot more people want to be doctors.

Posted from

One aspect on the idea of sin that I found interesting is it isn't the action itself that is the sin. If one were to read as an example the O.T. as they were wandering with Moses searching for the promised land, they were commanded to commit many genocides not to leave one child even alive. So murder isn't necessarily a sin in that system.

Men were allowed to have multiple wives and concubines, so cheating isn't necessarily a sin.

One can be punished as a sinner not only when free choice is taken away (see God hardening Pharoas heart each time he sent Moses to petition for freedom) but many innocents can also be punished for the actions/decisions of one (see the plagues brought onto Egypt).

In fact, examine the story of Jacob. He was a liar and thief, and was most favored by God. His name literally means deceiver, supplanter.

The idea of sin is an interesting study once one understands it isn't the action itself that is where one fell short.

Sorry for rambling off point. Your writing is compelling. Thank you for sharing. You should consider self publishing. Just with those three segments you could expand this into a novella of sorts, with each part being your rough outline for a section.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I often think I have the beginnings/outline of stories, and almost never find the time to flesh them out. It's so much work!!! Thanks for the compliment on my writing. And for the thoughtful comment. How are your new endeavors going?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't have a cell phone.

Why do you virtue signal that you're so retro?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"Archibald was a great friend. Archibald believed all this rot of yours. You and your sins made him question his value as a human being; he left us by his own hand because of your made up sins. He couldn't bear being a sinful man another moment. You killed him. That makes you a murderer, a domestic terrorist not recognized by the government as such."

By that logic music causes school shootings and artists who provoke any kind of critical rhetoric about "certain" people's worth as human beings, are responsible for those who are provoked to do something awful. In your story, you are responsible for disillusioning people from faith and eternal consequences, from medical expertise, and from authority, so you're responsible for the wickedness that an individual may engage in now that God is dead, for the harm that someone might cause themselves or a loved one by their avoidance of doctors, and the disregard for laws, which will rob them of their freedoms and life even. By the inverse, you don't credit Faith with any of the benefits that fall on the faithful because of their faith, but you should, and it's no different for the other targets of your ridicule. You are the murdering domestic terrorist, and you, you're just another idiot who thinks they are "a good person".

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who are you, and did you even read my story? Or do you think someone who reads one of my fictional stories is a domestic terrorist? Do you think we should unthinkingly follow dictates of human priests? I've heard you are a troll. I suppose I should be honored you have chosen to troll me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

By that logic music causes school shootings and artists who provoke any kind of critical rhetoric about "certain" people's worth as human beings, are responsible for those who are provoked to do something awful.

In your story, you are responsible for disillusioning people from faith and eternal consequences, from medical expertise, and from authority, so you're responsible for the wickedness that an individual may engage in now that God is dead, for the harm that someone might cause themselves or a loved one by their avoidance of doctors, and the disregard for laws, which will rob them of their freedoms and life even.

By the inverse, you don't credit Faith with any of the benefits that fall on the faithful because of their faith, but you should, and it's no different for the other targets of your ridicule. You are the murdering domestic terrorist, and you, you're just another idiot who thinks they are "a good person".

Did you even read what I said? Did you think I didn't know it was a fiction? Did you not notice how I discussed the field, not the person in that field?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who are you, and did you even read my story?

Why are you asking stupid questions, maybe you like getting confirmation of how stupid you are? Why do you think I didn't read it?

Or do you think someone who reads one of my fictional stories is a domestic terrorist?

Is that's because I used the idiotic, nonthought logic you used to label certain people domestic terrorists? But, no.

Do you think we should unthinkingly follow dictates of human priests?

You keep making up shit, the premise of your complex fallacy question is that I suggested or said that blindly following dictates of human priests is valuable. I never said that.

I've heard you are a troll. I suppose I should be honored you have chosen to troll me.

What was the troll? Rebuking your abhorrent logic? Or your inane questions that have nothing to do with anything I said?

Posted from

I really like this. This is great for the newly awake. Those who are looking around and starting to question. This will help them see more clearly and on the road to asking the right questions. I really really liked this.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sure you do. Most can't wait for their biases to be confirmed, affirm my belib!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Go away troll. Find someone without a brain to pick on.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm picking on him? After you called me a troll, asked asinine questions and avoided anything I brought up? Is pointing what I said above, trolling? Is refuting your nonsense, trolling?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who said this:

you're just another idiot who thinks they are "a good person".

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What of it? Do you think its unwarranted, or inaccurate? If so why?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And how do you differ from most?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The better question is how am I like the rest?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most can't wait for their biases to be confirmed, affirm my belib!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I shared my Facebook, where on my wall I posted numerous things that aren't mainstream at all. Go through it and pick me apart, I'm sure you'll find absolutely nothing.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

< Critical Rationalist

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Demonstrate it. Exemplify it, or at the very least, explain why and how you find that to apply to me. You went from calling me a troll, to calling me a hypocrite, you've to substantiate either, meanwhile you didn't address anything I said and pointed out. No different from egging someone and running away, leaving them with your mess on their face.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most of my freewrites are on this subject - I can't seem to write about anything else these days, even freewriting. Thanks for your appreciation.