RE: The struggle for freedom continues in Canada

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The struggle for freedom continues in Canada

in freedom •  3 years ago 

Thanks. Yeah, very hard for us to do anything. We're not against it - we'd love to have options, and we'd consider just about anything! We have no patriotism or sense of duty to Canada or anywhere else. But our situation is complicated, and there's really nothing we can do. I am literally trapped in every possible way. "You're not trapped, you have plenty of options" is the common response we get from people who don't know our situation. It's hard to believe people can become trapped and have no options, but it's true. If it were possible, I would invite interested people to spend a few days in my body, see if they can turn things around, improve anything, make some positive changes. I'd really like to see the results! I'm doing my best in here, and definitely open to specific suggestions. Generally, those who don't know the details say "I'm sure you can figure it out", and those who DO know the details become quiet and change the subject. I appreciate that you understand we're doing the best we can, where we are, with what we've got. Thank you !

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Yes, i fully understand. I ve met dozens and dozens of people over the years who are trapped in their locations. I ve even met people who have moved and then become trapped in the place they move to. I once met this lady from Austrailia in Bali. She was a bit strange to say the did too much acid or something. She explained that she overstayed her visa .....10 years ago. And has been living illegally and homelss a the beach in Bali for the past decade and the locals give her food and that is how she survives. So im fully aware, different situations for different people. I know you guys are making the best of your situation, and if it ever changes and you need relocation advice, Im your guy. Until then keep on keep'n on and I ll catch you the next one.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for understanding! You're definitely our guy when we need advice and help.
Remember those "migrant caravans" from South and Central America, hitting the South border of the USA, sometimes even coming all the way up to Canada?
I was thinking...
How about one in the other direction?
That would give my wife and I options! Not that either of us is able to walk all that far... but at least the border would no longer be an issue!
Tell you what, another thing that could potentially free us, is crypto doing what we all hope it's going to do. If we suddenly had an influx of capital and freedom at the same time, just about anything would be possible. As you know, money doesn't buy happiness, but it can buy all the things that can contribute to us being happy! And safe, and healthy, and connected, and having privacy, and so on. Money (like it or not) currently makes the world go around. Having very little just about guarantees a lack of power and options, sadly. We felt like we were almost there, with crypto doing well and our Hive income finally reaching a decent level, but... well, you know. Now we're hoping to rebuild, but time feels short. I don't want to be starting over right now.
Interesting story about the lady in Bali! Thanks for sharing that. Too much acid? Hehehe, you may very well be right. Those people are usually relatively harmless, haha.

Totaly know what you mean. Cyrptos will turn around, we may need one more make you want to puke drop in price or not. But I think come november december the prices across the bord will be much higher...just look for the mainstreme news outlets getting all excited about crypto, that will be time to take profits. Notice how quiet they all are now. That is a big tell for how things are rigged to suck the fools in at the top, while the big money gets in low when things are quiet. Time certainly feels lile it is running short, but patience is really the only option in the crypto game at this point. Furthermore I told one of my friends about the big crypto conference in Miami marking a top, and the price dropping from there. Hit that one on the nose. Everything is rigged against the little guy, as soon as you realize that it makes investing far easier.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You could tell it was struggling to make the new high at 69k, and yeah, the media pumping (but now quiet). I remember watching that happen bigtime in 2017, and even to a lesser degree in 2013 with their "what the heck is this new crypto thing?" stories on CNN. Hell, I remember them pumping silver at $40 to $49 in 2011. I was shocked they were finally covering the story I had been covering since $12 in early 2009. Later I realized why... because they knew it was near a top and they were sucking in the dumb money (currency).

The world is fully controlled by evil in my opinion. And much of that power comes directly out of DC....right near where the creators of hive are from and connected to. Lol it all makes so much sense now doesnt it. Lol. Keep fighten the good fight, you are making a difference for sure.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So are you. Thanks buddy.
Yeah well I saw HIVE spiked today (more than BLURT did) so I converted another batch over. Up to 293k BP now : ))
I think you are right that with BLURT's much smaller market cap, in the next bull move (which could be over the next few weeks) it will have a significant move up. It has weathered the correction better than most and still looks strong fundamentally.