October 2022 Freedom Rally Report

in freedom •  2 years ago 

My observations from the weekly freedom rally here in Smalltown BC Canada. I have been attending regularly since early 2021, during the harsh lockdowns and initial vaccine rollout. The exact wording on the signs (and chants/cheers) changes with the situation, but always focus on spreading truth, dispelling lies, and promoting freedom. Here's what I saw yesterday at my local rally.

Turnout - We had close to 100 people there, which is more than in previous weeks, but nowhere near the crowd of hundreds we got several weeks in a row during Freedom Convoy earlier this year. The reason for the jump this week is that last week, we had a counter-protester disrupt the rally, leading to a fight and injuries. The local media covered the story (which they never do unless they can attach a negative spin to it), leading to a surge in interest this week. We saw people who had been regulars before, show up for the first time in quite a while. I think some people lost interest when some of the restrictions and mandates went away this year.

Messages - Along with the usual signs (and discussions) about the Covid narrative scam, and dangers of the "vaccine", we are now seeing a lot more about the legacy/corporate/mainstream media being liars, about the globalists taking over Canada, and about the dangers of digital ID like vaccine passports and social credit scores. The messages remain focused on truth, freedom, and patriotism for Canada. I saw a sign that said "Wokeism is a disease", and some mentions of the climate change (carbon tax) scam.

Emotions - Overall, the tone of these rallies remains very upbeat. The grassroots has been activated, and despite various attacks by the state (including covert attempts to undermine the group), it remains vibrant and strong. Regulars have formed strong bonds, developed connections outside the rally itself, and are working together on various projects to advance freedom. New attendees come from word of mouth, online efforts like social media, or simply passing by the rally and becoming interested. Anger at the puppet government is common, but determination and love overpower any negativity. We went right through the winter last year, and as the weather begins to cool, I have no doubt we will again.

As you can see in the clip I took, it's not a very ethnically-diverse bunch. We don't have representation from immigrants. Everyone is welcome and accepted, but people who have lived their lives here, especially those whose parents and grandparents fought and died for this country, outnumber any other demographic by a longshot. It's a patriotic bunch. Not that they are loyal to the state, but to the land itself, and the culture of the people who live here. Not to any particular government party or leader. The media (and their owner, prime minister Justin Trudeau) has slurred these groups as racist, but I have never observed any racist behaviour or heard such talk.

I'm pleased my family and I were accepted by the majority of this grassroots community. We've become fixtures of the Saturday protests in our town, with an armload of homemade signs, and now 2 strollers. We're fighting for our people, our culture, our land, and our freedom. We know it's not over, and the Great Reset agenda pushes onward, but our resolve is strong and we will meet any challenges head on.

Protest alone does not accomplish all our goals, but it is a very important part of the freedom movement. The right to assemble, associate, and air grievances is paramount to Liberty. Without that we are slaves. So please don't put down legitimate peaceful protest that you don't understand. If you don't like it, don't participate or support it, but please don't interfere. Civil disobedience is the peaceful public breaking of unjust laws, and it is our DUTY - not simply our right - as free people. What's happening is wrong, and we will not comply with it.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It was great to hold a sign and be with the freedom community. No matter what comes, at least we have the grassroots.
And the weather's been great for it, too!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for doing this very important work. It's good that the protests' goals have broadened beyond just the jab, which is only the tip of the iceberg.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the support!
Yes, we find it's good to have a fairly united front if possible, but this is grassroots, nobody in charge, everybody is free to bring whatever sign/message/attitude they want. Luckily it stays pretty cohesive, but there's a good variety within the various freedom ideals. These people know what's going on.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fighting for everyone is good and shows that you are not self centered. I hope the government sees to this

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That was a great rally! It's so bittersweet...I'll miss them

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com