Recent efforts to peacefully restore freedom in Canada have been met with brutal violence, financial tyranny, and further removal of fundamental rights. Now, our government-and-corporate-owned media is flooding the country with anti-freedom and anti-Canadian propaganda, claiming anyone not on their side is a dangerous terrorist. Freedom, one of the core pillars of Canadian life, is now public enemy number one.
"Victor Crapnell remembers the uneasy feeling he had watching the Freedom Convoy protests unfold in Ottawa in February... the red and white maple leaf on Canada's flag standing out against the snowy backdrop," begins the latest CBC article to smear the grassroots freedom movement which arose as a reaction to Justin Trudeau's fascist takeover. "Our beautiful flag had been hijacked as their symbol of protest," Crapnell said. "That's not right.'" (Is crapnell what flies out and hits nearby victims when a shit bomb explodes?)
Setting aside the question of why our mainstream media is reporting on what a single (probably-made-up) random person feels...
It's incredible to see the Canadian flag demonized in this way, but it has been happening (and getting worse) for several months now - ever since Freedom Convoy sprung up and inspired millions of Canadians to love freedom again... and have hope that we can get it back!
It was a freedom revival - a true outpouring of the spirit of Liberty upon the land. Trudeau responded by pretending he had Covid again, then hurling childish insults, and then declaring Martial Law and using brutal violence to crush the protests. Peaceful protesters (and even supporters sending donations from home) had their property seized and bank accounts frozen. New laws were hastily invented to remove longstanding Canadian rights protected by our Charter. A peaceful freedom protest was met with violence and tyranny. That is what Canada has become.
Now, our media is encouraging violence and property destruction in another reaction to the ongoing freedom protests:

This "take back your flag" logo, depicting Freedom Convoy participants and their truck being crushed by a massive Canadian flag, was designed by artist Victor Crapnell, who has already distributed almost 1600 of them nationwide. Wow... 1600 stickers? If that's not an important front page story, I don't know what is!!
So mister Crapnell gets his name and business promoted to millions, for free, because he is advocating violence against peaceful Canadians. But there is no counterpoint from the freedom movement, no debate allowed, no discussion. Just angry statist Victor Crapnell, in his Libtard glasses, encouraging the destruction of vehicles involved in freedom convoys. Take back YOUR flag? Whose flag does he believe it is, anyway?
CBC offers us a look at Mr Crapnell and his art studio:

- they used the douchiest-looking guy they could find for extra gaslighting effect
- Canadian flag has been hung on the wall for the photo op (tags still on and facing out from wall)
- roll of his stickers hung behind him for the photo op
- why do modern "Liberals" hate Liberty so much?
- a creepy horned plaster skull...
Notice on his logo that freedom is spelled "freedumb", demonstrating complete disrespect and disregard for the foundation of this country. Anyone using this spelling is a hateful and violent statist who hates freedom and loves tyranny. Be on the lookout for anyone sporting anything with "Freedumb" on it, or pronouncing the word that way - "free DUMB".
Same thing with anyone claiming the Canadian flag is a sign of extremism. Avoid any Crapnell that flies your way. Point such traitors out to other decent freedom-loving folk.
Incredibly, some of these brazen freedom-haters are our government, our pop culture icons, and our state media organizations. The very system itself is telling us to hate freedom, to support the state, and to be afraid of our neighbors.

"It's been taken over by people who have a very extreme political agenda. They desecrate.. the flag by using it somehow as a false flag," a Liberal government minister said. Way to purposely-misused the term false flag!
And how can waving or wearing the Canadian flag be anything other than a sign of support for Canada and Canadians? What would they have said if Freedom Convoy had NOT flown Canadian flags? They would have called us anti-Canadian! They would have said it's a sinister indication of foreign involvement, and therefore a national security threat. So there's no way we could have won, because they were never going to play fair. They were going to label us violent, freedom-hating, illegitimate, dangerous etc no matter what we did. Our protest was peaceful, organized, legal (except for parking tickets), and safe. Only the police brought violence, backed by a corrupt government bent on dispelling opposition at any cost.

Today (Friday July 1st) is Canada Day, and this is the main story in our national media. No patriotic stories, nothing promoting our culture, nothing celebrating our history. Just propaganda telling us to hate freedom and fear the flag, or be labeled a terrorist. If the CBC had run this exact story 10 years ago, they would have been mocked, shamed, and defunded. If they had run it 50 years ago, they would have been arrested for sedition. But in 2022, our taxes are used to amplify this treacherous message to every corner of the land. These are dark and sinister times, friends. We must keep the faith.
In peace, love, and Liberty always,
And for the betterment of all peaceful freedom-loving beings,
in the very near future...
similar to V for Vendetta.
The psyops is that someone else will save us - a hero.
No heroes in 1984.
"Your papers, Sir!"
Another nice movie to watch to see how they acted like the west is full of freedom compared to the Soviet Union :
I have never seen that movie, or trailer! Interesting. But I am a fan of Robin Williams : )
That trailer reminds me of how the 1980s were. Much more free and real here in Canada. Things started to get bad here in about 2000.
In the UK, was right after that 1980s boom that the middle class started to be crushed, so maybe 1990 onwards. Much of the middle class then had enough money to be independent - and that couldn't be allowed to continue. Not vast wealth, but enough to make family choices. Those who joined that upward curve late, ended up with unpayable debts and shrinking options.
Yeah, they just gave the impression to all people in the world that they are free. While they all were preparing for this. I expect also in the future that something like that will be done. And I guess the closer we are to a world war, the stricter they do things. And when the war happen, and enough people die, they become softer again. Just like after the first ww1, then the second ww2, and now I feel, we're close to ww3. And maybe only after it, they will give the impressions of freedom to the rest of us. Maybe it's a tactic they always follow !
I was briefly behind the iron curtain - and altho people were world-weary and cynical about the soviet occupation, they believed western TV, the freedoms were real for those who had none at all - but it also meant they couldn't believe how cynical and corrupt the west truly was. I mean, sandwiched between some commie conference and an anti-nazi propaganda short, they showed... the muppets!! and Baywatch!!! The system couldn't cope with an invasion of bikinis.
Canada is the best ! Greatest country in the World.
That made my day mate😂😂😂😂👍🏽
lol, yeah me too!
"Now, our government-and-corporate-owned media is flooding the country with anti-freedom and anti-Canadian propaganda, claiming anyone not on their side is a dangerous terrorist. Freedom, one of the core pillars of Canadian life, is now public enemy number one."
Is this not what we have all been warning about?! Ugh. Yeah and the US will be doing this too. Our Dept of Homeland Security has pretty much declared it several times now. All those folks screaming "Nazi" for years have literally brought just that upon us all. Must be why they were programmed that way - Law Of Attraction.
"...ever since Freedom Convoy sprung up and inspired millions of Canadians to love freedom again... and have hope that we can get it back!"
Yeah and did you hear they arrested Tamara again. Like just recently!
"Notice on his logo that freedom is spelled "freedumb", demonstrating complete disrespect and disregard for the foundation of this country. Anyone using this spelling is a hateful and violent statist who hates freedom and loves tyranny. Be on the lookout for anyone sporting anything with "Freedumb" on it, or pronouncing the word that way - "free DUMB"."
Yup, thanks for the heads up. This is standard propaganda. Real basic stuff. I expect that to be universally used. Looks like I'm gonna be a real dumb dumb. Real 1984. Opposite day yet again. And yeah, our flag has been demonized for years here in The States. Makes no sense but people buy it. I seriously can't see how but I think the smart phones flash subliminal messages or something. Ever notice it is the people who are constantly on those things that believe all this crazy stuff?
Amazing how "the fringe" who should just be ignored became enemy number one. Shows how powerful FREEDOM is. Freedom and free will.
Douchiest-looking crisis actor I've ever seen! He looks like a turd that would follow me around the grocery store harassing me and telling me to put a mask on.
Special thanks to everyone who didnt vote in the last election or at least take critical action to preserve their freedom.
Thanks for sharing, i personally would have dissolved Canada in 2011-2013 so i just see this all as a lost cause.
I dont need to burn a flag either, i just want to dissolve this joke thats a oart of the UN, G7, NATO, and all of the bureaucratic systems that dont serve the general public as well as they claim.
I wish.
The opposite of globalisation is what?
Globalisation is making just a few (or even one) countries out of many countries. So the opposite is breaking those countries up into smaller countries. Ie, secession. I wish BC would secede from Canada. Been saying that on my YT channel since 2010! Funny thing is, they made discussing secession a bannable offense on YT in 2018. At the time, I wondered why? Now I see they knew what was coming (Covid1984) and made sure in advance to block any talk of breaking up the country. Quebec has been trying to do it for decades now.
What a shame. Just have one other thing to say.....Mexico!....and endless tacos too :)
Imma burrito man 🤬🥓
Yeah , it's a bit weird waving the governmental logo protesting against this same government ,.. i would burn the flag and make a new one , as that is a much better way to get the protest noticed .

This is a nice one , ;-)
Or , like the Dutch farmers now do , wave the government flag upside down and even half mast like in the background of this picture .
Even using the governments flag as a protest sign by putting a text of disagreement or protest on it like in the next picture , NO FARMERS - NO FOOD is written all over it to make a point .
Tip , freedom loving Canadians should look at the Dutch farmers the coming days , as they plan to destroy the plan's of the woke shit government with what they have ,.. the possibility to disrupt the whole economy by blocking of all roads to the government capital with tractors and farmers equipment .
It gonna be hot in the Netherlands this summer , as the farmers are fed up with how they are treated and forced even "for real" in to suicide .
I like the pitchforks on the Dutch farmer defense force flag , a symbol telling it all .
Peace bro ,.. stay free !
Damn forget to put this one in ,.. ;-)

Well, I do own 2 old pitchforks that were my grandfather's.... maybe time to pull them out (other than in fall when hauling piles of dry leaves and grass)!
Yes, the flag actually belongs to the people, and has only been falsely appropriated by the government. The red maple flag is a rallying point for free Canadians, regardless of what the current (Liberal) government claims. We do not consent to them using it the way they do. Yes, we often fly it upside town to indicate the country is in distress.
Here is my flag celebrating black (free) market cannabis in Canada, which I designed about 10 years ago and have been using regularly every since:
PS: Happy Cannabis Day!
It's a good video to watch about democratic they all are :
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