Love him or hate him, I care not,
But you can see, with half a brain, how crypto has, HAS been used to roll in the new NWO, social credit system I warned about in 2017 on steemit, PARANOID, you said, enjoy the 15 minute cities, enjoy "you vwill own nothing, and be miserable," enjoy living in a box..... eating bugs, letting the feamle rule your life, because you care more about illegal "illegal" migrants, and not the WEF!
"You vwill own shit, while hypocrites own it all."
Any moron that loves Fiat currency, worth the paper it is printed on, or the digits more like, it is made from, is by definition, a moron.....
Regurgitate and repeat society has brought us full circle to communism, in disguise, even though the WEF owned up to it.
The "Plandemic" was exactly that, a reset where the maggots that have run none/non elected corps like the WEF, the WHO,the IMF, the international banks of settlements, and many more shite institutions, want to rule your life.....

There are no knights coming to save anyone, the world needs you to save YOU.
I release the freedom coin in 2 months, no not crypto, more over silver, gold, copper, in no particular order, cbdc can suck my cock, you want social credit scoring? Enjoy, me? Not a chance.
I stopped writing for 3 months to clear my head of half the crap I read on Anti social media.
If YOU want to be a vegan, be one, do not push it on me, if you want to eat bugs, do it.
If you want to trust puppet politicians, cool go for it.
I am not YOU. Stick vaccines too, you want them, fine, have them, you are then safe, stop pushing them on me.
No surrender, never.....
Since gov got involved with digital coins, I have sold most of them, and will sell them all.
Not playing gov, WEF, WHO games, and had 3 months without mind control, the TV is a fool, and if you trust failed actors, so are you, I copped out, but will cop back in when CBDC kick in, with the freedom coin, made with precious meals, not some shit code that earns millions or billions for the one that wrote it.....
Have a great week.
How's that working out?
Superb, been super motivated the internet is a trap to data mine you. Made 5 new bikes in 3 months not concentrating on the internet....
Got fit, met loads of intellectual

people, got plans, made things happen, changed me, changed my life.
whistles nice bikes. Never rode one. Except quads. And dune bugs and on non-motorized bikes, think they used to call them bikes one time. But then these took over.
Man your on it then. I'm glad you got that spirit. Many nowadays crumble without internet it seems lol.
They're ponzi schemes i tell ya
Ponzi indeed, fuck em....
Good to hear from you again, will you elaborate more about the freedom coin at some point?
Sure thing bro, but keeping things close to my chest for now, I like breathing and all, you can have the blueprints by all means. Hope I find you fit and well?
Yeah I'm fit and well thanks.
Congratulations! 🏆
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