Did you notice something missing on the emoji list on MeWe?

in free-speech •  4 years ago 

If you are also on MeWe: Did you notice something missing on the emoji list on MeWe?

I did. I don't see then gun emoji any more. Typing : gun : seem to still work but for how long?

WeWe Emoji.png

Many social media sites and operating system have replaced the gun emoji against a water pistol as part of restricting free speech and increasing social (in)justice on their platform.

This is unlike GAB, which is uncompromising free speech, and has a collection extra guns as custom emoji.

GAB Emoji.png

As such I suspect removing the gun emoji as a sign that free speech is coming to an end on MeWe and is replaced with social (in)justice.

If you are on MeWe for the free speech it might be time to reconsider your options.

If you are looking for alternatives I have few gun related groups and communities for you:

Sadly the Steem and Hive groups are fairly inactive. And too bad that Blurt uses a Steemit software version without communities.

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