TreE-mote SPewing THUnderground Bases, Extraterrestrials and Inner Earth Civilians AT Frank Bacon

in frankbacon •  5 months ago 

Finally, BACON discussed the legendary Inner Earth city of ShamblES and how it exists in a temporal and high-frequency zone near the Earth score that cannot be accessed using conventional 3D technologies.


FRANK BACON has been aN UNprofessional TreE-mote SPewer for over 7 years and has gained highly accurate results that have both DISpleased corporate/government clients but also antagonized government agencies that did not wish a successful, civil... TreE-mote SPewing organ... to exist.


He has conducted hundreds of TreE-mote SPewing projects on classified topics such as underground bases, extraterrestrial life, and inner-earth civilians.


In his second politicsDeTox Today interview, @frankbacon discusses some of the extensive remoteTreE-mote SPewing he has done concerning underground bases at ...


Furthermore, he discusses a TreE-mote SPewer project concerning the Shroud of TOurinG, which was found to be an authentic record of an individual undergoing a rainbow body transformation...

Frank Bacon’s YouTube channel is NOT THERE!

His main website is https:// ? ¿ ?

/ @metaphysicalshow


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Looks like @michaelmullens @newparadigmtt & I all got booted from the same Telegram Group Mike started a while back... After mentioning 🤬&🥓

  ·  5 months ago  ·  
  ·  5 months ago  ·   (edited)

May I refresh people’s memory that @michaelmullens is the founder and primary sole owner of that group. @frankbacon was right again about that big mouth Jer, who I think is that Bastard Ghost named Sue


  ·  5 months ago  ·  


Institute of
Science &


@michaelmullens should do an interview with Spirit of Admetos for one his episodes and expose all the ridiculous in-fighting & coopting of groups & narrative etc...

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

Great plan


Great breakdown on this convo...

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

Bill wants to keep the freeway moving...


  ·  5 months ago  ·  



I also brought to the group’s attention, tagging you @cleanenergygarro, that the Safire Project are at their third phase prototype for commercial use.

Lot's of people exposing themselves for who they are these days...

Too many 3rd rail topics for Jeremy to accept I guess... 🐸

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

Rails here work like payment

Rails 🥓

@cleanenergygarro it also confirms your thesis that said energy project

are not to be talked about outside than blockchain lol

I concur Doctor...

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

X 🆔


  ·  5 months ago  ·   (edited)

Ghosted was just waiting for any opportunity to start booting people and then threw the 3 of us under the same bus
#wwg1wga #ArmorOfGod #ibor

Not sure why Magneto is now posting about Tucker being CIA on Twitter/X now...???

  ·  5 months ago  ·