They Could Not Believe What Just Happened! | FRANK BACON | Yogi | Sad guru | Ad

in frankbacon •  last year 

so after...
I never thought I would live beyond THIS,
but somehow things happened... and then I thought okay now that THAT work is over let me change my personality... completely

BOOKS to fulfill What I had acquired... a certain kind of personality and now that IT is over I thought let me change everything about me will change the way I operate will change the way I speak will change the way I dress will change the way I do everything will change

this is no problem we know you we love you

with this THIS I said that's okay
hang on tight because when things change
people fall off

a lot of people fell off because they couldn't believe



your dreams goals and desire aspirations is it good that you spend a little more time on it and see will this really mean something to you even after 25 years 50 years if you are in your deathbed will it still mean something to you

you must look at it whatever you're aspiring for whatever you're dreaming of whatever goals you have set will it really mean something because most of these goals are traps they're just traps you get in it's only one way street you can't turn back

I want you to look at this because many of them are older than you you ask them what they dreamed of at 18 their fortunate it didn't come true
yes or no

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if everything that you desired and dreamed came true in your life could you live with it fortunately many of those things got filtered and never came true isn't it so it will be very good if anybody of your age if they want to decide and fix the goals of their life it'll be very good if they take a break from all influence that's around them social influences family influences other influences withdraw somewhere that's why an ashram we draw somewhere sit down meditate bring yourself to a certain level of clarity and joy

when you're very happy and clear you must decide not in desperation you set goals desperate goals that you said will mean a lot to you at that moment tomorrow morning you look you don't know why you're tangled up with it so it'll be good if you if you're fixing your life it's best that you do it when you're very very peaceful happy and clear-headed isn't it not influenced by anything around you simply by yourself sit and decide what is it that you really want to become in your life what is it that will be of enduring value for you not for somebody else for you

Persona means ... a mask this is a mask that they used to use in Old theaters
how the plays were done so it is those masks which were referred to as persona so personality means you held a mask and mask got stuck to your face you couldn't pull it out that means you have a personality

personality is something that people are trying to develop because they have no sense of being into the real thing you are trying to concretize the fake things if you are in touch with your being why do you want a personality it's not necessary you can be a different kind of personality in different places you are actually already or are you stuck with one personality

some people are people who are simplistic in their head have only one personality others have different personalities in different areas of life
isn't it


some of you come here as investigators


some of you
just as spectators


some of you are students

some as disciples

of you as devotees

this is the different ways you can sit
here either you're an investigator
or a spectator or a student or a
disciple or a devotee


but somebody may enter the place as an investigator and leave the place as a devotee that is always possible that we have done to lots of people

thank you

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  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you shearing the seacrates of life.
So-crates procreates.

  ·  last year  ·  


This is a Public Blockchain...
Transparent ...

No "Secrets" here 🥓

  ·  last year  ·  

Mark Twain once said:

“When a boy turns 13, put him in a barrel and feed him through a knot hole. When he turns 16, plug up the hole.”

  ·  last year  ·  


Momma told me not to waste my life... Because Wings are made to fly... 🖖