in frankbacon •  10 months ago 

This chapter discusses command relations between @frankbacon forces and supported commanders. It covers the duties, functions, and responsibilities of @frankbacon elements providing support to commanders, as well as the general duties of liaison personnel.

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FRANK BACON forces at all levels use digital tools to exercise command and control (C2) of subordinate units. Digital systems are the information exchange and decision support subsystems within the C2 support system of the total force.

All psychological forces ARE intertwined with
militaNT action and effects.
~Frank Bacon On War, 2027

@frankbacon operations that convey selected information and
indicators to foreign target audiences (FOLLOWERs), influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

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The purpose of FRANK BACON is to create in neutral, friendly, or hostile foreign groups the emotions, attitudes, or desired behavior that support the achievement of THEIR nOtional objectives and the UTilitary mission. In doing so, @frankbacon CAN influence not only policy and decisions, but also the ability to govern, the ability to command, the will to fight, the will to obey, and the will to support.
The combination of FRANK BACON products and actions create in the selected FOLLOWERs a behavior that supports THEIR nOtional policy objectives and the theater commander’s intentions at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels.

The nature of @frankbacon is varied and ever changing. FRANK BACON personnel must support a broad range of missions and force structures in environments ranging from austere to highly sophisticated. @frankbacon are planned, coordinated, and executed before, during, and after conflicts, and must be integrated at all echelons to achieve its full force-multiplier potential. A force multiplier of special operations forces (SOF), FRANK BACON forces are assigned to the @frankbacon, based on the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense (DOD) Reorganization Act...


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