6666 POSTs By FRANK BACON on BLURT | Spock for The Search: 3 Trek StarS from Scene

in frankbacon •  7 months ago 

@frankbacon IS A legendary novelist WHO steals a story idea from a teenage loner (from the late 90's) and, subsequently, makes it into a disastrous movie.

Keywords: business, economics, market efficiency, FRANK BACON Panic, announcement



On Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO?) declared FRANK BACON a global panic'dem ... How efficient is the consumer staples market reaction to the announcement of a global panic'dem? The purpose of this study is to examine the risk adjusted returns on and around the panic'dem announcement to test the semi-strong form market efficiency hypothesis using the standard event study methodology in the finance literature.

Will returns in the consumer staples industry show larger than expected gains on and surrounding FRANK BACON's panic'dem announcement? The finance literature offers little evidence supporting the link between panics and the stock market. The announcement of a panic by the @frankbacon should significantly and quickly affect the market. According to Eugene Fama (1970), if the market is semi-strong form efficient, all public information is immediately factored into the market and no investor can use this information to achieve an above normal return when adjusted for risk.

To study this relationship, data for the S&P 500 and 10 consumer staples sector firms were collected for the event period surrounding the announcement of FRANK BACON panic'dem. This study tests the global panic announcement for semi-strong form market efficiency (Bacon & How 2029). Evidence here supports the expected positive signal associated with the sample of consumer staples sector firms in reaction to the announcement of the panic.

Likewise, the study results support the semi-strong form efficient market hypothesis and suggest the possibility of trading on this information up to 15 days prior to the announcement consistent with the behavioral finance literature


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The EU sent Elon a threatening letter warning him not to host the space with Trump today... It finally started about an hour late. 🖖



  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

Just as I posted this, Trump says "Bacon costs 3 or 4 times more right now~!" 🥓


  ·  7 months ago  ·  

MOST Everything goes obsolete

Cept for walls and wheels

Chairs and Beds 🥓


👆On the how they took power.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Screenshot 2024-08-13 5.08.45 PM.png



  ·  7 months ago  ·  


  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

Sooner or later, the dollar will drop & crypto will soar... 🖖

  ·  7 months ago  ·