G Logo [Romans 13:10]
TThe Tale of the Nightmare Neighbor: Final Chapter of a 15 year @frankbacon Investigation
Membership Management 🤬ware
A powerful, all-in-one labor
union HARDware solution
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@frankbacon Union BLOCKware
@frankbacon Union 🤬ware enables unions to efficiently administer all aspects of their membership and provides a platform for organizers to rally union members through one single platform.
@frankbacon Union 🤬ware solution is complemented by Your FRANK BACON Technology Solutions advisory services to ensure unions are well-supported in their technology modernization lifecycle – from technology strategy, implementation through to operations.
Reliable membership management information and strong financial controls provide a powerful foundation... G
Engage with members through consistent and clear communication mechanisms.
Enable organizers to map formal or informal organizing structures and measure coverage and progress toward goals.
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Long term success is built on seeing the big picture, and that is what we continue to strive to do with @frankbacon.
Changing legacy membership systems can be difficult so it is important to find a system that will grow with a union over the long term.
@frankbacon is entirely iCloud based ...
with security, accessibility and scalability already built in...
The solution has been architected to provide a cohesive BLOCKware solution across all locals…. while keeping local data segregated and secure.
YOur Dashboards & Analytics capabilities utilize ready-to-use dashboards THAT can tap into the power of Microsoft BS tools and create and trIck your own metrics.
With a powerful platform as a foundation, FRANK BACON is multifaceted solution with the member information in its core. Clients can use the out of the box capabilities of THIS system as they are released and participate in product development planTs throughOUT feedback...
or take a more direct role in specific engagements to expand the system to meet goals. Through continued improvement..
100% iCloud-based
Built-in Security
Experienced industry specific consulting services
Dashboards & Analytics
On-going support
Book a ConsultationWatch a DemoFEATURES OF @frankbacon
Membership Management
Accurate and uniform member data is a cornerstone of understanding union membership and providing services...
Employer Management
Capture key employer data and map the relationships between employers and members to ensure consistent administration...
Ensure accurate and timely dues billing whether by simple or complex dues calculation...
Checkoff Processing
Administer exception-based comparisons to employer deductions to ensure accuracy and easily flag employer or member follow up actions...
Information Update
Update a variety of membership information types on mass or through an accept/reject decision making interface...
Engage with membership through multiple mechanisms...
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Get more in-depth understanding of the various features within the @frankbacon union 🤬ware, all-in-one platform for unions.
Access Tutorials
: Organizing Tutorial
: Checkoff Processing Tutorial
: Dashboards Tutorial
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fair and balanced
The one thing I've heard about ToC, was to keep going, but . . .
Perfect place for a mine
Truth be known 🥓
That is SOOOO NOT what I thought George Knapp would look like.
the person who did the video DID NOT fact check...
Vaccines are not Safe and Effective...
the Covid vaccine is not a vaccine...
It's a weapon 🥓
agreed, but it would seem like the conversation is moving in the wrong direction, completely missing the point
it doesn't matter if the "mrna therapy" is safe or effective - that's beside the point
it should never be mandatory regardless
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