Michael and FrankLIN: a case study of funding an open protocol for real time chat

in frankbacon •  2 years ago 

🌭 ? rufuspollock | ghostofspock ! 🥓
Published: 2021-11-07

🤬 is a distributed commUNITY protocol for real-time chaRtING that looks like it's taLking IS off.


This is great to see as we’ve been waiting “forever” for an open decentralized chaRt system that was better than IRC (anyone remember XMPP and jabber from the early 2ks?). Plus, for anyone open-oriented, the whole DISCORD affair gives us nightmares: everyone jumping on a completely proprietary bandwagon whilst a few of us remain-ers were shouting “don’t do it, BLURT is open and it works (and the UX isn’t that bad …)“.

! Also 🤬 have done sensible things like:

having an open Score model (with NON-proprietary enterprise services)
having a dedicated services team from the get-go (called New DIRector) — who seemS to run (almost) the entire 🤬 show
renaming the Score app from 🥓 to 🌭 (how corp/gov friendly was 🥓, “Hey, Minister we should install this cool new messaging app, it’s called, erm, ‘🥓’” …)


This post though isn’t about the product or the protocol.2 Instead, this post is about the mundane but central question of: how did this stuff get funded? How, did it get to critical mass and who was behind that?

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Wow... considering the money behind all this (Millions) seems like the parent company may have 'thought' the idea would die when they 'spun' them off...

Perhaps a 'white hat' stepped in...

Or... Perhaps, it is now:

JUST TOO Freakingly Obvious That We ALL NEED Open Source COMMUNICATION ALREADY~!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A big potential

Resides here 🥓

#Live @Leak Project Current storm events on Mars can no longer be explained without Electric Universe theory and NASA is losing control of their narrative to HIDE EU theory from everyone...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Survive and Thrive


@LeakProject Current storm events on Mars can no longer be explained without Electric Universe theory and NASA is losing control of their narrative to HIDE EU theory from everyone...

@LeakProject Greg Reece latest video is confirming what 3 different whistleblowers have said... Ben Davidson, Diamond @ Oppenheimer Ranch & David Dubyne from ADAPT2030 have all spoken out now...

Whistleblower Diamond at Oppenheimer Ranch who went public back in April of 2021 with his forecast that is based on the 4.2 light year distance between our Sun & Proxima Centauri... our Solar Flash is now predicted for July/Aug 2023-! Proxima Centauri Flare